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Historial de versiones para Q-Dir (64-bit Portable)

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Cambios para v7.99 - v8.01

  • General fine-tuning and general optimization.
  • Update of the language files
  • Q-Dir adjustments for the next Win 10 build

Cambios para v7.93 - v7.94

  • Improvements in: Explorer file preview
  • Bug fix: Crash when opening favorites and refresh with F5
  • Important update of the language files in the Quad Explorer

Cambios para v7.84 - v7.85

Cambios para v7.83 - v7.84

  • Improvement: with marked file and copy full folder paths
  • Correction: Blurred display at higher DPI 125, 150 values under Windows 10, ..!
  • Updating the language files and general optimization

Cambios para v7.82 - v7.83

  • New: Parameter /select as in the MS-Explorer to mark files
  • Improvements: in optional autoupdate service
  • Updating the language files and general optimization

Cambios para v7.76 - v7.77

  • Bug-Fix: in the file lists print and set up the page margins
  • Program Stability Tests and Improvements in Quad Explorer
  • Updating the language files

Cambios para v7.75 - v7.76

  • Bug fix: TortoiseSVN overlay icons and others are supported / displayed again in the Quad Explorer
  • Again small adjustments in Q-Dir for the next Windows 10 build
  • Update the language files

Cambios para v7.74 - v7.75

  • Improvements in: Quad Explorer multiple settings on all Windows OS
  • Update of the language files
  • Generals optimization and general improvements for the next Windows 10 Build

Cambios para v7.64 - v7.65

  • Correction in address bar treeview
  • Some improvements in the Quad Explorer list views.
  • Complete Deactivation of Grouping. > Extras > List View> Deactivate
  • Update of the language files

Cambios para v7.51 - v7.52

  • Important updates of the language files in the Quad Explorer
  • Small corrections in Q-Dir as well as improvements

Cambios para v7.47 - v7.51

  • Generals optimization and general improvements as well as updating the language files in Q-Dir

Cambios para v7.46 - v7.47

  • Important: Bug fix in the x64 version due to false compiler setting
  • Small corrections and recompilation of Q-dir, due to malfunctions
  • Updating the language files

Cambios para v7.44 - v7.46

  • Generals fine-tuning and general optimization.
  • Updating the language files
  • Q-dir program size optimization at the x64 exe

Cambios para v7.43 - v7.44

  • And again corrections for the current Windows 10 build plus improvements
  • General adjustments and updating of language files

Cambios para v7.36 - v7.43

  • Some fixes and improvements in the alternative File Manager.
  • Updating the language files in Q-dir and general adjustments.

Cambios para v7.35 - v7.36

  • Bug-Fix: When opening directories by program arguments
  • • Bug fix: In Q-Dir print on some printers with high DPI (resolution)
  • • Small adjustments and updating the language files in Q-dir

Cambios para v7.34 - v7.35

  • Bug-Fix in: Translations tool of Q-Dir
  • Small tuning and other general improvements and some fixes.
  • Updating the language files in Q-dir.

Cambios para v7.33 - v7.34

  • Small adjustments, improvements W10 and a new language in Q-Dir: Spanish (Español Latinoamérica Colombia)

Cambios para v7.31 - v7.33

  • New: execute as in the MS-Explorer commands from the Explorer address plus extras.
  • Improvements in Address bar rules and path interpretation for the Explorer views.
  • Updating the language files in Q-dir.

Cambios para v7.29 - v7.31

  • In FTP folders, and other nonstandard Folders:
  • Show File Size in Bytes, KB, MB, ... and the file extension at internal Q-Dir File Size.
  • Small tuning and other general improvements.
  • Updating the language files in Q-dir.

Cambios para v7.21 - v7.22

  • Bug-Fix: Paste and copy from zip or rar archives does not work after the Windows 10 October Update.
  • Update of the Quad-Explorer language files and fine-tuning for the new Windows 10 October update!

Cambios para v7.17 - v7.21

  • New: Save the color setting ergo color theme in the Q-Dir Favorites!
  • New: Classic and modern address bar for Windows, or both together!
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir and further fine-tuning.
  • Update, due to wrong virus message, compiling or re-creating the Q-Dir.exe
  • Only for security reasons, even though no virus was present.

Cambios para v7.13 - v7.17

  • Bug fix when accessing Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, ... on Windows 10, especially on x64 OS.
  • Some fixes in the drag-and-drop actions from the internal explorer views in Q-Dir to MS File Explorer.
  • Updating of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v7.07 - v7.08

  • Some bug fixes in each 4 Explorer list views under Windows 10 and Server 2016!
  • Correction in the classical address bar e.g. for SMB drives
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir

Cambios para v7.02 - v7.03

  • Test on Windows 10 Update Build 1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4)
  • Small fixes and rebuilding plus update of the language files in Q-Dir

Cambios para v6.99 - v7.01

  • Bug-Fix in the main menu, Code Signing certificate and update of the language files in the quad-explorer!

Cambios para v6.98 - v6.98.1

  • Improvements in the file preview function and integration of the preview window from MS-Explorer
  • More installation program arguments for Q-dir
  • Buf-Fix: Tree View and Dark-Color Theme on Windows 10
  • Small adjustments, improvements 4 W10 and a new language in Q-Dir: Norwegian

Cambios para v6.96 - v6.98

  • mprovements in the file preview function and integration of the preview window from MS-Explorer
  • More installation program arguments for Q-dir
  • Buf-Fix: Tree View and Dark-Color Theme on Windows 10
  • Small adjustments, improvements 4 W10 and a new language in Q-Dir: Norwegian

Cambios para v6.91 - v6.96

  • Small fixes and rebuilding / compiling of Q-Dir due to positive false virus alert on Windows 10, even though no virus was present.
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir

Cambios para v6.89 - v6.91

  • Important bug fix in Q-Dir x64 and optimization!
  • Updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.78 - v6.79

  • Small adjustments, improvements W10 and a new language in Q-Dir: Spanish (Español)

Cambios para v6.77 - v6.78

  • General revision and update of the language files
  • Optimization and various bugfixes.

Cambios para v6.74 - v6.77

  • Bug-Fix: List-View lost the keyboard Focus
  • General revision and update of the language files

Cambios para v6.73 - v6.74

  • General revision and update of the language files
  • Optimization and various bugfixes.

Cambios para v6.71 - v6.73

  • Improvements for Windows 7 x64 and x32!
  • SORRY the improvements for the W10 Creators Update, have had effects on the Windows 7.

Cambios para v6.69.1 - v6.71

  • And again and again Bug-Fix: Q-Dir blank List View on Windows 10 / 8.1!!
  • SORRY the W10 Creators Update is not so good for Q-Dir :(

Cambios para v6.67 - v6.67.1

  • F5 Bug-Fix: When refreshing (updarte) the file list, it goes blank, onWindows-10 from Creators update.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.66 - v6.67

  • Bugfix: Auto Expand the folders in the navigation area under Windows-10
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.62 - v6.66

  • Bugfix: Mark the objects in list view under Windows-10 and Server 2016
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.61 - v6.62

  • 1. Small corrections and rebuilding/recompiling Q-Dir because virus alert (Trojan:Win32/Spurp.A!LaLa)
  • from Windows-Defender on Windows-10, although no virus was present.
  • 2. Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.58 - v6.61

  • Small corrections and General revision plus updating of the language files in Q-Dir the Alternative File Manager for Windows

Cambios para v6.57 - v6.58

  • Small corrections and rebuilding/recompiling Q-Dir because virus alert (Trojan:Win32/KatuA!TuruLuLu)
  • from Windows-Defender on Windows-10, although no virus was present.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.56 - v6.57

  • Again corrections for Windows 10 creators update.
  • Bugfix: Mark the objects in list view
  • General revision and updating of the language files

Cambios para v6.51 - v6.56

  • Improvements because of Windows 10 creators update.
  • Bugfix: Slowly opening of directories and the disappearance of the scroll bar in the list view
  • General revision and updating of the language files

Cambios para v6.48.4 - v6.49.1

  • New option: main menu / tools / file operations / L-mouse: move file confirm, helps at slips on the touch screen.

Cambios para v6.46 - v6.48

  • Bugfix when using the arrow keys to rename the files and/or folders in the Q-Dir List View.
  • Updating of the language files in Q-Dir.
  • New in version 6.47 // December 28th 2016
  • BugFix when run /silent -install e.g. for administrators.
  • New in version 6.46.1 // December 7th 2016
  • Corrections in List view and Quick Links for Windows 8.1 and 10.
  • General revision and updating of the language files

Cambios para v6.39 - v6.42

  • And again improvements and small adjustments in the file manager Q-Dir for Windows 10.
  • General revision and updating of the language files
  • New in version 6.41 // November 2th 2016
  • General revision and update of the language files
  • Optimization and various fixes

Cambios para v6.38 - v6.39

  • And again Improvements and fixes in Q-Dir for Windows 10 and Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.37 - v6.38

  • Bugfix: occasional crash under Windows 10 at some system configurations.

Cambios para v6.36 - v6.37

  • Bugfix in Q-Dir when execute or open files in the list view under Windows-10.

Cambios para v6.35 - v6.36

  • Small adjustments in Q-Dir for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 plus Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.34 - v6.35

  • Improvements and small adjustments in the file manager Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.33 - v6.34

  • Improvements in Q-Dir for Windows 10 and Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.28 - v6.32

  • Small corrections and rebuilding/recompiling Q-Dir because virus alert (Trojan:Win32/Spallowz.A!plock)
  • from Windows-Defender on Windows-10, although no virus was present.
  • New in version 6.31 // March 15th 2016
  • New: Send by e-mail function to, for example send quickly multiple pictures to an email.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir and minor improvements.
  • New in version 6.29 // March 11th 2016
  • Bugfix: in /silent or /s parameter for silent install e.g. for administrators.
  • And corrections in install and uninstall routine.

Cambios para v6.27 - v6.28

  • Bugfix: Incorrect error message when clicking on the my computer icon.
  • Bugfix: Folder selection when navigating via the up folder button and in the history, the subfolder was not marked.
  • Bugfix: when navigating via the address bar.

Cambios para v6.26 - v6.27

  • Bug-Fix: Refresh button for Windows XP and Server 2003

Cambios para v6.24 - v6.26

  • New in Q-Dir, both address bars can be displayed.
  • New: Refresh button, but can be disabled via Extras, Address Bar
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.23 - v6.24

  • Drag and Drop Bug-Fix for Windows-10 and Windows-Server 2016!
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.22 - v6.23

  • Small changes, improvements and fixes for x64 operating systems
  • Update of the language files in Q-dir.

Cambios para v6.18 - v6.19

  • Bug-Fix in Q-Dir, on Windows 10 if opening the various file types (* .jpg, * .zip, etc) by a double click or ENTER hit.

Cambios para v6.17 - v6.18

  • Bug-Fix in the Q-Dir export feature!
  • In the translation tool you can now select German or English as the base language.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.16 - v6.17

  • Bugfix in the Q-Dir Portable version, while saving some settings in the Q-Dir.ini file!

Cambios para v6.15 - v6.16

  • Improvements and small adjustments in the file manager Q-Dir under Windows 10.

Cambios para v6.14 - v6.15

  • Small changes and improvements in file manager Q-Dir for Windows 10.

Cambios para v6.12 - v6.14

  • Full functionality of the file manager Q-Dir on Windows 10 tested with Build 10162.
  • Small changes, improvements and fixes, plus bug - fix in the list view at Q-Dir startup.

Cambios para v6.11 - v6.12

  • Small changes, improvements and fixes, plus new language in Q-Dir: Estonian (Eesti)
  • Thanks to Vahur Kull for the Estonian language.

Cambios para v6.10 - v6.11

  • Corrections for Win7, Win8.1, Win10 in the list view control!
  • Optimisation in Q-Dir on Windows 10.

Cambios para v6.09 - v6.10

  • Performance Optimisation in Q-Dir on Windows 10.
  • Update of the language files for Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.08 - v6.09

  • improvements in Q-Dir for Windows 10 Technical-Preview.
  • Update of the language files for Q-Dir

Cambios para v6.07 - v6.08

  • Fixes and improvements in Q-Dir performance.

Cambios para v6.06 - v6.07

  • Corrections in redrawing at resize, NVIDIA and ATI graphics cards with activated Desktop Manager in HydraVision

Cambios para v6.05 - v6.06

  • Corrections for Win7, Win8.1, Win10 in the list view tree view and Tab control!

Cambios para v6.04 - v6.05

  • Mouse Wheel support in Menus and updating of the language files!

Cambios para v6.03 - v6.04

  • Corrections of the language files, some adjustments plus improvements and updating of the language files!

Cambios para v6.02 - v6.03

  • Improvements in the list view and directory structure plus updating of the language files!

Cambios para v6.01 - v6.02

  • Improvements in Q-Dir for Windows 10 Technical-Preview.
  • Update of the language files for Q-Dir.

Cambios para v6.00 - v6.01

  • Improvements in Q-Dir and corrections for Windows 10 Technical-Preview.
  • Update of the language files for Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.99.9 - v6.00

  • Verification and testing of Q-Dir on Windows 10 Technical-Preview.
  • Update of the language files for Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.99.7 - v5.99.9

  • Correction for Vista in the list view and the Classic Windows Theme!
  • 5.99.8
  • Q-Dir in the notification area (To-Tray) via the F12 key, improvements for Windows 7 and update of the language files

Cambios para v5.99.6 - v5.99.7

  • Improvements for x64 Windows OS and update of the language files.

Cambios para v5.99.5 - v5.99.6

  • Improvements for Windows 8.1 and update of the language files.

Cambios para v5.99.4 - v5.99.5

  • Improvements for Windows Server 2012 and update of the language files.

Cambios para v5.99.3 - v5.99.4

  • Bug-Fix: Q-Dir crash reporting an error in comctl32 on Windows XP.

Cambios para v5.99.2 - v5.99.3

  • Corrections and improvements in the list view and update of the language files!

Cambios para v5.99.1 - v5.99.2

  • Bug-Fix in the list view autosort feature on Windows 7 and 8.1.

Cambios para v5.98.9 - v5.99.1

  • Bug Fix in Copy-Files Dialog and some adjustments and improvements in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.98.8 - v5.98.9

  • Improvements in Q-Dir fixis as updating the language files.

Cambios para v5.98.7 - v5.98.8

  • Corrections when rename the current folder in the list view, the new name of the folder will automatically open.

Cambios para v5.98.5 - v5.98.7

  • New Option: Disable auto sorting when renaming or copying elements.
  • Info: By default, this option is selected in Menu, Tools, List view.
  • To start the program in the notification area of the taskbar please use argument -bg.
  • -bg must be used as the first argument.

Cambios para v5.98.4 - v5.98.5

  • Corrections in the Option: List-View, File type column und Erweiterungen and Show extensions and type.

Cambios para v5.98.2 - v5.98.4

  • Adjustments and improvements in the Q-Dir tool bars.

Cambios para v5.98.1 - v5.98.2

  • Corrections when copy the tab-s in Q-Dir explorer view.

Cambios para v5.98 - v5.98.1

  • Corrections in q-dir explorer view auto update or not auto update.

Cambios para v5.97.9 - v5.98

  • Corrections in the directory structure for Win 7 and 8.1 and update of the language files!

Cambios para v5.97.6 - v5.97.9

  • Improvements, corrections in the list view and update of the language files!
  • Important bug fix in Q-Dir x64 and optimization!
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir.
  • Corrections in the address bar and toolbar for Windows 8.1 and small adjustments in the Edit menu.

Cambios para v5.97.5 - v5.97.6

  • Corrections in the list view:
  • In explorer auto update or not auto update.
  • And when reordering (sort) after renaming and add files or folders!

Cambios para v5.97.3 - v5.97.5

  • New Settings: Via Menu, Tools, address bar:
  • Optionally, the breadcrumb address bar, can be displayed without icons.
  • Similarly, the autocomplete can be customized, files and folders, only folders plus Internet addresses (URLs).

Cambios para v5.97.1 - v5.97.3

  • Small improvements, corrections in the list view and update of the language files!

Cambios para v5.96.7 - v5.97

  • Buttons indentation in directory structure is customizable through menu, extras, Tree-View.
  • Optionally, the system default navigational sound can be used via Menu, Tools, List-View.

Cambios para v5.96.6 - v5.96.7

  • Corrections in the list view for Windows 7 and 8/8.1!

Cambios para v5.96.5 - v5.96.6

  • Improvements in Q-Dir Update of the language files and small corrections plus optimisation.

Cambios para v5.96.2 - v5.96.5

  • And again corrections in the list view when using the background color, and optimisation in Q-Dir!

Cambios para v5.96.1 - v5.96.2

  • Corrections in the list view when using the background color!

Cambios para v5.95 - v5.96.1

  • Corrections in the directory structure!
  • New in version 5.96
  • Optional feature colored highlighting of the sort column via Menu, Extras, Listview can be also used with different background colors.

Cambios para v5.94 - v5.95

  • Small improvements and corrections in the directory structure and the tab-s on Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1

Cambios para v5.93 - v5.94

  • Small improvements and update of the language files!

Cambios para v5.91 - v5.93

  • Correction Windows 7 in the tree view, Ctrl + C / X / V and bug fixed at redrawing when there is no focus on the directory structure!

Cambios para v5.89 - v5.91

  • Adjustments and improvements in Q-Dir and update of the language files.

Cambios para v5.88 - v5.89

  • And again adjustments and improvements in the Treeview and Listview when not using default system fonts!
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.87 - v5.88

  • Adjustments and improvements in the tree-view, when customize the DPI values in the system display settings!

Cambios para v5.86 - v5.87

  • Disable / Enable of using the space bar for the scrolling feature (such as IE / Chrome) via Menu, Tools, List view.
  • Optional for Windows 7/8/Vista Auto-Expand of the system favorites at program start.

Cambios para v5.85 - v5.86

  • And again, improvements and optimization for Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir and bug fix W8 Tree-View

Cambios para v5.84 - v5.85

  • Bug fix Windows 7 and 8.1: In the upward navigation, the output folder is not marked when use the color filter in Q-Dir.
  • Further improvements and optimization for Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.83 - v5.84

  • Improvements, optimisation and some corrections for Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir and update of the language files.
  • Admin Command Prompt via CTRL or SHIFT in menu File, Command Prompt.

Cambios para v5.82 - v5.83

  • Improvements in Q-Dir Update of the language files and small corrections plus optimisation.

Cambios para v5.81 - v5.82

  • Small improvements and update of the language files!

Cambios para v5.79 - v5.81

  • New Option, via menu, extras, tab-s: Use current folder as the default tab / folder.
  • Bug-Fix in Windows 8 when Keep Last View Settings: Extra Large and Large Icons.
  • Adjustments and improvements in the address-bar, and tool bar.

Cambios para v5.78 - v5.79

  • Adjustments and improvements in the tool bars, when customize the DPI values in the system display settings!
  • Improvements in the address bar

Cambios para v5.77 - v5.78

  • New option in tree view: Lines (Buttons) at root via Menu, Extras, Tree-View
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir and small corrections plus optimisation

Cambios para v5.76 - v5.77

  • Improvements in favorites and address bar: you can enter programs paths and shortcuts in full length.
  • In the Tree-View (Windows 7, Win 8/8.1) the favorites system are also displayed.
  • Program optimizations in Q-Dir!

Cambios para v5.75 - v5.76

  • Allows users to use a slash in the address bar instead of a backslash and other Addrees-Bar rules plus Q-Dir optimization.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.74 - v5.75

  • Optimization and enhancements when saving and loading the list view settings in Q-Dir!
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.73 - v5.74

  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.
  • Further testing of the Q-Dir for/on Windows 8.1.

Cambios para v5.72 - v5.73

  • Verification, validation, and further testing of the Q-Dir for/on Windows 8.1.

Cambios para v5.71 - v5.72

  • Corrections and optimisation in Q-Dir for x64 and some adjustments for Win 8.1.

Cambios para v5.70 - v5.71

  • When printing and/or print preview, the background color is white! If the option: (Menu, Extras, Print, No background color) is enabled , even if the current Windows-Design provides another!

Cambios para v5.69 - v5.70

  • If use the color filters in Q-Dir, you can disable in print and print preview the background color, text color and font type (bold, italic, ...). Via Menu, Extras, Print.

Cambios para v5.68 - v5.69

  • wo Bug-Fix in the Q-Dir explorer list view: column filtering, printing and print preview feature!

Cambios para v5.67 - v5.68

  • Improvements in the shell-folder-menus (address bar, Quick Links, favorites), when process the WM_MENUCHAR messages (keyboard shortcuts)!

Cambios para v5.66 - v5.67

  • Corrections and optimisation in Q-Dir for x64 and some adjustments for Win 8.1.

Cambios para v5.65 - v5.66

  • Corrections in Q-Dir function autocomplete in the filter entries and crashes on x64 operating systems!
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir and some adjustments for Win-8 and Win 8.1.

Cambios para v5.64 - v5.65

  • Important bug fix in Q-Dir x64 and optimization!
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.63 - v5.64

  • Customisation and adjustments in Q-Dir for Windows-8.1 tested on Windows 8.1 Pro Blue Preview.
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.62 - v5.63

  • New: To move selected elements in addition to [ALT + V] the keyboard shortcut [Alt + M]
  • Update the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.58 - v5.60

  • Autocomplete (auto-completion) filter entries can be deleted.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.57 - v5.58

  • Adjustments and optimization for the Windows 8 and Windows-7.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.56 - v5.57

  • Optimisation, corrections, and improvements in the list view (no-subfolders, up folder select, ...) plus language files updating.

Cambios para v5.55 - v5.56

  • Bug-Fix Win-7 and Win-8 x64/x32:
  • Is there some setting in ListView, it came to bad behavior. This happens since Q-Dir 5.53 and now corrected.

Cambios para v5.54 - v5.55

  • # Folder size, file number, folder number, file extension is correctly displayed in the Detailed List View in the right column.
  • # Fixed: crash of Q-Dir under Win98.
  • # Some optimizations and fixes in the menu Extras

Cambios para v5.52 - v5.53

  • Optimization, corrections, and improvements in the list view plus language files updating.

Cambios para v5.51 - v5.52

  • Small adjustments and improvements for Windows 7/8/Vista and Server 2008/2012 plus update of the languages files in Q-Dir

Cambios para v5.50 - v5.51

  • Bug-Fix Windows Server (2008,2012) operating systems.

Cambios para v5.49 - v5.50

  • Corrections in Q-Dir for Win-8 x64 and language files update.

Cambios para v5.48 - v5.49

  • Fixes in the Address-Bar combobox-treeview and listview

Cambios para v5.47 - v5.48

  • Small adjustments and improvements plus update of the languages files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.46 - v5.47

  • Small changes, improvements and fixes at x86/x32 operating systems
  • New language in Q-Dir: Ukrainian

Cambios para v5.45 - v5.46

  • Improvements in Q-Dir and fixes plus updating the language files.

Cambios para v5.42 - v5.44

  • Adaptation and testing for Windows-8 on Windows 8 Enterprise.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.41 - v5.42

  • Bug fix in the printing function at Windows XP, Windows seven and eight fixed.
  • Optimization and small adjustments for x64 operating systems Windows XP, Vista, Seven, Windows 8 .... and language files updated.

Cambios para v5.39 - v5.41

  • Additional verification and testing on Windows 8 Enterprise plus update of the languages files in Q-Dir.
  • New parameters for the Application Launcher: %sel_files1% , %sel_files2%, ... and %all_files1%, %all_files2%,....

Cambios para v5.38 - v5.39

  • Some improvements for Win-8 and updating of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.37 - v5.38

  • improvements for OS x64

Cambios para v5.36 - v5.37

  • Bugfix when using the arrow keys to rename the files and/or folders.
  • Updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.35 - v5.36

  • Advanced verification and testing on Windows 8 Enterprise.
  • Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Cambios para v5.34 - v5.35

  • Corrections in the color filter and update language files.

Cambios para v5.33 - v5.34

  • Some improvements for x64 OS and language files update.

Cambios para v5.31 - v5.33

  • New Language in Q-Dir: Hungarian
  • For problems with the new directory structure at Vista/W7/2008 please disable this via the menu, extras, directory structure (tree-view).

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