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Turn Off Xbox 360 Controller v1.0.0.0

Win10 / Win7 / Win8
Turn Off Xbox 360 Controller is a very simple application that turns off Xbox 360 controllers connected to a Windows system.

There is no interface, no settings and nothing you need to do other than just run the executable file. There is no service or startup application, it simply turns off Xbox 360 controllers when run and then terminates.

If you have Xbox One Controller, press X button for 10 seconds to turn off your controller.

The developer is funded by donations so check out the project page.
Free Download
Turn Off Xbox 360 Controller v1.0.0.0Tamaño: 87.92 kB
Tipo de licencia Freeware1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 21/02/2018
Descargas 0
Tamaño 87.92 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles English  
Sistemas operativos Win10 / Win7 / Win81

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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