Historial de versiones para WinSCP
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Cambios para v5.17.3 - v5.17.4
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1g.
- WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.31.1.
- Local file panel honors preferred drop action of source application. 1848
- Increased maximal length of proxy and tunnel credentials. 1849
- Truncating too long directory names in session tab title.
- Optionally do not distinguish multiple sessions opened to the same site by current path. 1734
- Bug fix: Failure when fallback SSH channel fails to open. 1845
- Bug fix: Failure when creating shortcut for jumplist fails. 1846
- Bug fix: Window position is not restored, if its left or top edge was aligned to monitor edge. 1852
- Bug fix: Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution. 1463
- Bug fix: FTP file uploads are interrupting with TLS 1.3. 1834
- Bug fix: Empty directories are not uploaded to FTP server when transferring in background. 1859
- Bug fix: Percent sign (%) in PuTTY session settings (such as IPv6 scope syntax) is misinterpreted when importing. 1860
- Bug fix: Failure when starting with automatic workspace opening when none of the workspace sites exist. 1861
Cambios para v5.17.1 - v5.17.2
- Disabling TLS 1.3 by default until it is better tested.
- Bug fix: Cannot connect to SSH-1 servers.
- Bug fix: TLS session resumption is not working for FTP transfers with TLS 1.3
Cambios para v5.15.7 - v5.15.9
- Temporarily using old DigiCert code signing certificate that does not trigger “Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting” warning. 1812
- Bug fix: Version check did not work with five digit build number (skipping 5.15.8 as a workaround).
Cambios para v5.15.3 - v5.15.4
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2t.
- XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.8.
- Official extension Batch rename prints more information about its progress.
- Small improvements of layout for longer translations.
- Translation updated: Italian.
- Bug fix: Cannot switch back to English after changing language on non-US English system. 1779
- Bug fix: Deleting temporary local copy of remote file caused errors and invalid attempts to upload the nonexisting file.
Cambios para v5.15 - v5.15.3
- Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.72:
- Integer underflow parsing SSH-1 packet length. vuln-ssh1-buffer-length-underflow
- Buffer overflow in SSH-1 if server sends two tiny RSA keys. vuln-ssh1-short-rsa-keys
- Windows Pageant client code does not check response length field. vuln-win-pageant-client-missing-length-check
- SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.72.
- Using recommended sizes of icons when installed from Microsoft Store. 1754
- XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.7.
- Translations updated: Hungarian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish.
- File panel incremental search can be disabled using raw configuration setting. 1742
- Retrying deleting fake temporary folder created when pasting remote files to Windows File Explorer. 1765
- Bug fix: With every start on a monitor with different DPI than the primary monitor, dimensions of the window and some of its components change slightly. 1750
- Bug fix: Speed limit does not work with S3 protocol. 1755
- Bug fix: Site folder loses names of its sites. 1756
- Bug fix: Compare Files extension cannot handle paths with spaces. 1760
- Bug fix: Local recycle bin is unintentionally scanned, slowing down browsing. 1761
- Bug fix: .NET assembly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT, while they are actually local times. 1762
- Bug fix: Cannot upload files over 50 GB to S3. 1764
- Bug fix: When using a local custom command from Synchronization checklist window, opened from a command-line, the connection was closed.
- Bug fix: When saving an edited site or default settings, WinSCP prompted for the master password, even when the site does not have any password to protect.
- Bug fix: When opening a connection from a command-line, which does not have a local directory set yet, local panel is opened empty.
Cambios para v5.13.9 - v5.15
- Files can be optionally encrypted when storing them on SFTP server.
- Local UNC paths can be browsed.
- Compare Files extensions.
- Dark theme.
- Files can be copied to the clipboard.
- Coloring files in file panels based on a file mask.
- Improved incremental search in file panels.
- Support OpenSSH AES-256-CTR-encrypted keys.
- Improvements to directory synchronization.
Cambios para v5.13.3 - v5.13.4
- This version add some small improvements to Microsoft Store installations of WinSCP and fixes several bugs.
Cambios para v5.13.1 - v5.13.2
- Amazon S3 protocol support.
- SHA-256 host key fingerprints are used.
- Stalled connection attempts can be canceled promptly.
- Improvements to .NET assembly and scripting.
Cambios para v5.12.2 RC - v5.13.1
- Translations completed: Kabyle, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia.
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
- Treating a star as an unset permission for compatibility with Win32-OpenSSH.
- Bug fix: /refresh parameter with sftp:// URL was not working for SFTP sessions with enabled fallback to SCP protocol.
- Bug fix: Simple input boxes (like “Edit File” dialog) are broken on multi monitor systems with different DPI. 1614
- Bug fix: HTTP proxy responses for FTP protocol are logged char by char. 1615
- Bug fix: Port number box was visible for S3 protocol, even though its value has no effect.
- Bug fix: Hang when opening a menu with any Paste command, while clipboard contains a large amount of text. 1620
- Bug fix: Slashes in SHA-256 fingerprints are not encoded in generated URLs. 1622
- Bug fix: Failure when closing a session with a local proxy command. 1623
- Bug fix: Failure when closing Find window while finding files. 1624
- 5.13
- 2018-02-19
- Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
- Better error message when trying to upload a file to virtual S3 root “folder”.
- Displaying server name in network drive label. 1607
- When using session name as a part of a path to a temporary directory, replace a slash separating a session folder from a session name with a dash instead of %2F. 1608
- Configurable path to XML log file for the .NET assembly. 942
- Bug fix: Failure when opening context menu of edit boxes on Login dialog. 1605
- Bug fix: Failure when processing FileTransferProgress event. 1606
- Bug fix: It was not possible to open workspace with special characters from a desktop shortcut. 1610
- Bug fix: Failure when focused panel is changed, while double-clicking a file to edit it. 1611
Cambios para v5.12.1 - v5.12.2 RC
- Multiple levels of directories can be created, while synchronizing browsing to a non existing directory. 1601
- Setting Content Type of files uploaded to S3. 1602
- Configurable mapping from file extension to Content-Type (using hidden setting). 1604
- Bug fix: Local directory tree cannot be controlled using keyboard. 1599
- Bug fix: Alt+Enter keyboard shortcut executed/opened selected file, instead of opening Properties dialog.
- Bug fix: Session hangs when QueryReceived is set while session is already opened. 1600
- Bug fix: QueryReceivedEventArgs.Message is empty.
- Bug fix: Parallel background connections are never started, when queue processing is disabled.
- Bug fix: Panel column context menus were working incorrectly when panel was horizontally scrolled.
- Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload during synchronization in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. 1603
Cambios para v5.11.2 - v5.11.3
- Korean translation completed.
- Fixes OpenSSL vulnerability.
- Lots of other bug fixes.
Cambios para v5.11.1 - v5.11.2
- Translations added: Russian; and updated: Czech, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian and Spanish.
- Panel font sample on Preferences dialog is wrapped.
- Stopping monitoring a drive when a drive removal is announced, to allow removing the drive (particularly required for VeraCrypt drives). 1560
- Official extension Generate HTTP URL URL-encodes special characters in path.
- Bug fix: Wrong position of an icon on Login button, when Login dialog monitor DPI does not match system DPI. 1555
- Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory or deleting local files, while no session is connected. 1558
- Bug fix: Mouse selection is sometimes incorrectly initiated after inline remote file renaming.
Cambios para v5.11 - v5.11.1
- Bug fix: Connecting through tunnel to IPv6 does not work. 1553
- Bug fix: Failure when using translation on monitor with DPI that does not match system DPI. 1554
Cambios para v5.9.4 - v5.9.5
- Upgrade to PuTTY 0.68
- Traditional Chinese translation completed.
Cambios para v5.9.1 - v5.9.4
- Portuguese translation completed.
- Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
- Lots of usability improvements and bug fixes.
Cambios para v5.7.2 - v5.7.3
- Using FTP command SIZE in binary mode.
- Optionally determining local file icon by extension only.
- Ensuring that sessions to be opened in a new window does not get actually opened back in the existing window.
- Bug fix: SFTP transfers fail occasionally.
- Bug fix: Controls occasionally do not align correctly after restoring maximized window from minimization.
- Bug fix: Embedded session is not opened.
- Bug fix: SCP session breaks when an output includes a null character.
- Bug fix: Error retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol when the path is given with trailing slash.
- Bug fix: Sort arrow was shown on unsortable Find dialog.
- Bug fix: File mask with size constraint over 4 GB does not work.
- Bug fix: When dragging files from local panel to local tree, status bar is not updated.
- Bug fix: Local directory tree does not show newly created folder.
- Bug fix: Local directory tree stops reflecting changes after creating new folder.
- Bug fix: Failure when HTTPS WebDAV URL redirects to HTTP.
- Bug fix: Certificate validation fails, when HTTP WebDAV URL redirects to HTTPS.
- Bug fix: Some redirected WebDAVS connection error messages show original host name instead of the actual host name.
- Bug fix: WebDAVS certificate failure override for redirected session is stored for original host name.
- Bug fix: During file transfers on FTP servers that do not support MLSD command, file details are not provided on overwrite confirmation prompt and transfer progress is not shown correctly.
- Bug fix: Edit commands on all Internal editors reflect state of the currently focused editor, instead of their editor.
Cambios para v5.7.1 - v5.7.2
- Reporting relative addresses in stack trace.
- Bug fix: SFTP/SCP transfers occasionally time out.
- Bug fix: Fail gracefully when internal command generated by WinSCP .NET assembly is too long.
- Bug fix: Failure when “downloading and deleting” an empty remote directory with .NET assembly.
- Bug fix: When overwriting configuration export, new configuration is appended, instead of replacing the previous export.
- Bug fix: When listing WebDAV directory using relative path, the listing includes a reference to the directory itself.
- Bug fix: Failure when pressing help icon while no control has focus.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing log window during activity.
- Bug fix: Incorrect encoding of SSH_FXP_REALPATH.
Cambios para v5.7 - v5.7.1
- Translations added: Croatian, Finnish, Korean and Polish.
- Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.64.
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1m.
- Not requiring confirmation when canceling an operation.
- Import of Base64-encoded passwords from FileZilla.
- Progress window uses Skip button instead of Cancel when calculating transfer size. 1296
- Workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp bug in SSH_FXP_REALPATH handling with SFTP version 6. 1289
- Not asking for master password repeatedly when opening Generate URL dialog. Not asking at all unless user chooses to include password into URL.
- More space for information about translators.
- Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.64. private-key-not-wiped-2 diffie-hellman-range-check
- Bug fix: Failure when working with stored sites when a temporary hidden site for interprocess communication is not properly removed.
- Bug fix: Overwrite confirmation prompt displays name of source file instead of target file, when file name changes, with SFTP, SCP and WebDAV protocols. 1290
- Bug fix: Transfer was not resumed after moving the transfer to the background when source and target file name differs with FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: Failure when trying to open another externally initiated session while externally initiated session is opening.
- Bug fix: It is not possible to configure certificate accepting with WebDAV protocol in .NET assembly. 1284
- Bug fix: User and group name is not decoded properly from UTF-8 encoding with SFTP version 3 and older. 1288
- Bug fix: When calculating size of files to transfer is canceled, not using the incomplete results to estimate transfer progress.
- Bug fix: When local custom command is applied to a remote folder, it is unconditionally uploaded back after the command finishes. 1294
- Bug fix: Calculation of transfer size could not be moved to background.
Cambios para v5.5.6 - v5.7
- a major release with almost 300 implemented improvements, including:
- WebDAV support
- Further improved and simplified user interface with better GUI responsiveness
- Ongoing foreground transfer can be moved to background transfer queue
- Improved Synchronization checklist window, including an option to change synchronization direction for individual files
- Improved working with session URL
- Improvements to scripting, command-line and .NET assembly
- Note field for site
Cambios para v5.6.4 RC - v5.6.5 RC
- Local custom commands can optionally be executed with remote file paths to allow extending WinSCP functionality using scripts.
- Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
Cambios para v5.6.3 Beta - v5.6.4 RC
- Improved an automatic reconnect.
- Remembering the last working directories in a workspace.
- Calculating a remote file checksum is supported with FTP protocol.
Cambios para v5.6.2 Beta - v5.6.3 Beta
- Improved GUI responsiveness.
- Sites can be mass-modified using command-line
Cambios para v5.6.1 Beta - v5.6.2 Beta
- Files modified by local custom command are uploaded back.
- Improved Synchronization checklist window.
- UTF-8 support for SCP.
- Global configuration options can be set on command-line.
- Improved compatibility with antiquated FTP servers, like IIS.
- Natural order numerical sorting of file names and sites.
- Support for ProFTPD FTP extensions to duplicate a remote file, and to create a symbolic link.
- Timestamp variable in scripting.
- Fixes for various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
Cambios para v5.6 beta - v5.6.1 Beta
- Allowed stored sites, including their names and initial directories, to preserve Unicode characters.
- Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support.
- Workaround for Bitvise WinSSHD lack of SFTP extensions announcement.
- Support for OpenSSH extension for creating hardlinks.
- Open command can open directories.
- WinSCP can register to handle WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses (winscp-http:// and winscp-https://).
- Improved stack trace reporting for internal errors.
- No showing suggestion to delete file in error when overwriting file on non-interactive displays.
- Workaround for FTP servers that do not enclose path in response to PWD command in quotes.
- Bug fix: Failure when opening SCP session.
- Bug fix: Missing help link for Note page of Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation.
- Bug fix: Wrong formatting of some error messages on log view of Keep remote directory up to date dialog with Continue on error option enabled.
- Bug fix: Modified edited/opened remote files are incorrectly uploaded using an active session, instead of their original session.
Cambios para v5.5.4 - v5.6 beta
- WebDAV support
- Ongoing foreground transfer can be moved to background transfer queue
- Note field for site
- Improvements to scripting, command-line and .NET assembly
- Improved working with session URL
Cambios para v5.5.5 - v5.5.6
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6.2 beta release:
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects.
- Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. 1210
- Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. 1222
- SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE).
Cambios para v5.5.4 - v5.5.5
- Fixes for various OpenSSL vulnerabilities;
- Improved compatibility with various SFTP servers.
Cambios para v5.5.3 - v5.5.4
- Fix for CVE-2014-0224 OpenSSL vulnerability;
- Small improvements to .NET assembly and scripting.
Cambios para v5.5.2 - v5.5.3
- Fix for CVE-2014-0160 OpenSSL vulnerability;
- Improvements for running under Wine.
Cambios para v5.5.1 - v5.5.2
- Cloning site without hostname when Enter key is pressed. 1115
- Preventing “Message too long to send to external console” error. 1121
- When listing local files during operation fails, including path into error message. 1131
- NuGet package for .NET assembly. 1145
- Bug fix: Prompt to import sites was not skipped during silent install. 1112
- Bug fix: Transfer settings speed limit does not apply. 1114
- Bug fix: Edited file is reloaded from active session, not from original session. 603
- Bug fix: Caption of New Site node on Login dialog is not translated when language is changed.
- Bug fix: Error on every even opening/editing of remote file while having New and updated files only option set as default. 1118
- Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor above or to the left of primary monitor. 1119
- Bug fix: In countries that changed timezone, file times before the change were set wrong for downloaded files. 1122
- Bug fix: Incorrect handling of remote files ending with dot with FTP protocol. 1128
- Bug fix: Speed limit of waiting background transfer shows incorrect value and cannot be changed. 1129
- Bug fix: Selecting private key file with space in path yields error message when submitting Advanced Site Settings dialog. 1130
- Bug fix: .NET assembly Session.FileTransferProgress is not included in COM event sink. 1134
- Bug fix: When main window was restored from notification area while message box was displayed, main window could receive focus.
- Bug fix: Notification balloons showing transfer configuration/error were showing ** markup.
- Bug fix: When minimized, message boxes were popping up on foreground.
- Bug fix: Main menu accelerators are not working. 1143
- Bug fix: Scaled-down version of 32×32 icon was used in task bar notification area instead of 16×16 icon. 1144
- Bug fix: Failure when ending Windows session when main window is minimized.
- Bug fix: Occasional failure when run from Session 0. 1146
- Bug fix: Timeout while trying to resume upload with FTP protocol. Thanks to Michael Lukashov.
- Bug fix: With FTP protocol Set permissions transfer setting was incorrectly enabled for synchronization in Both mode.
Cambios para v5.5.0 - v5.5.1
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.2.7 Beta - v5.5.0
- Distinguishing main question/information of even more messages.
- Detecting symbolic link loops when finding files. 1093
- Remembering Synchronized browsing state with site only when Remember last used directory is enabled. 963
- New installer icon.
- Visualizing instant operations (such as copying data to clipboard or creating a desktop shortcut) with hourglass mouse cursor.
- Showing full path to an INI file on Preferences dialog.
- Not allowing to switch from /ini=nul configuration storage to avoid data loss.
- Improved display of lists on Server and protocol information dialog.
- Bug fix: During reconnect user was prompted with password even when password was remembered already.
- Bug fix: Option to remember password for session was not working for authentication of background transfers and separate shell sessions.
- Bug fix: Removing BOM on text mode FTP uploads was unconditional. 1096
Cambios para v5.2.6 Beta - v5.2.7 Beta
- This version enables checking disk space usage, when connected to OpenSSH server, and fixes several bugs
Cambios para v5.2.5 Beta - v5.2.6 Beta
- Improved registration for URL protocols:
- - WinSCP registers itself with Default Programs control panel for protocol URLS sftp://, scp://, ftp:// and ftps:// on Windows Vista and newer.
- - WinSCP handles application specific protocol URLs winscp-sftp://, winscp-scp://, winscp-ftp:// and winscp-ftps://.
- - It is possible to remove protocol registration from Preferences.
- - It is possible to open Default Programs control panel for WinSCP from Preferences.
- - When registering machine-wide, current-user-specific registration that would shadow it is removed.
- New icons for Move to and Duplicate commands and dialogs.
- Keyboard shortcut to open site in PuTTY on Login dialog. 1079
- When saving session opened from SFTP/SCP URL with host key fingerprint, the hostkey is saved to cache.
- Improved distinguishing main question of master-password related message boxes.
- Removed icon from Quit command in menus.
- Not adding UTF-8 BOM to files edited in an Internal editor. 1081
- For FTP sessions over implicit TLS/SSL, Copy URL to Clipboard command uses ftps:// protocol.
- Support FTP servers that require TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection before responding 1yz to STOR/APPE. 1084
- Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SSH tunnel. 1076
- Bug fix: Failure on start when any site has proxy or tunnel password protected with master password. 1077
- Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session.
- Bug fix: Failure during some operations in FTP over TLS/SSL session. 1078
- Bug fix: When saving site from SFTP/SCP URL, the saved site was not pre-selected on the Login dialog, unless the URL contained host key fingerprint.
- Bug fix: Failure when selecting SSH private key. 1080
- Bug fix: Time-based SSH key re-exchange does not work. 1082
- Bug fix: Passwords are lost when any raw session settings is specified in scripting or command-line. 1083
Cambios para v5.2.4 Beta - v5.2.5 Beta
- Distinguishing main question of a message box;
- Session can be opened in PuTTY from Login dialog;
- Improved working with session colors;
- and more bug fixes and improvements
Cambios para v5.2.3 Beta - v5.2.4 Beta
- Three SSH security vulnerabilities fixed;
- Many improvements for large font/high DPI environments;
- Redesigned message boxes;
- and more bug fixes and improvements
Cambios para v5.2.2 Beta - v5.2.3 Beta
- Fix and lots of improvements for working with master password
- Synchronization preview in scripting
- and more bug fixes and improvements
Cambios para v5.2.1 Beta - v5.2.2 Beta
- Simplified Login dialog: ?Both site tree and basic session controls are visible at the same time.
- - Login dialog is resizable. 378
- - Modal editing of sites.
- - Advanced session controls moved to a separate dialog Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- - Context menu for site tree.
- - Site name and path are specified separately when saving site.
- - Separate entry for New Site in site tree.
- - Global settings such as Interface and Logging removed from Login dialog.
- - Language selection moved from Languages button of Login dialog to Languages page of Preferences dialog.
- - Display of sessions in workspace.
- - SSH Private key file box moved to SSH tab of Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- Performance improvement.
- Custom command pattern !`command` that expands to output of local command.
- Subset of custom command patterns can be used in PuTTY path, including !/, !@, !U, !P, !?prompt?! and !`command`. This among other allows opening PuTTY in the same directory as current WinSCP working directory 326; or using different SSH client, such as KiTTY 966.
- Buttons that open drop down menu are marked with an arrow.
- New icons for Console, Find and Synchronization Checklist windows.
- Session settings can be exported also to KiTTY, when opening session in PuTTY/KiTTY.
- Configurable registry key for exporting sessions to PuTTY(-like) clients. 1006
- Suppressing critical error popups. 1007
- New shell icons for site, site folder and workspace.
- Relevant help is available for more error messages.
- Renamed Login and Preferences dialogs’ “tabs” to “pages”.
- Help border button is available on message boxes.
- Prompt answers Yes to All/No to All moved closer to the primary Yes/No answers.
- Internal error message boxes feature Report button to directly report the error on support forum.
- Allowing filtering subdirectories. 1018
- Event `Session.FileTransferProgress` is always raised when file transfer completes.
- Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. 1004
- Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. 1005
- Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working.
- Bug fix: Failure when disposing Session of .NET assembly. 1008
- Bug fix: Failure when pressing Shift key in console prompt with winscp.com. 1009
- Bug fix: Constant CPU usage when queue is empty. 1013
- Bug fix: Missing labels for some answers in scripting (such as Yes to All/No to All on overwrite confirmation prompt).
- Bug fix: Option Support for listing if hidden files is not working. 1015
- Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened.
- Bug fix: SSH vulnerability. 1017
- Bug fix: Mismatched warnings about accepting any SSH hostkey and SSL certificate respectively.
- Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol.
Cambios para v5.2 beta - v5.2.1 Beta
- Not showing disconnect error message before reconnecting inactive session to upload edited file.
- Changing default tab size to 8.
- Renamed WinSCP .NET assembly to winscpnet.dll to avoid conflicts with winscp.exe. 945
- Command Clear caches clears also cache of secondary shell session.
- Change: Not trying to kill WinSCP process from .NET assembly Session finalizer.
- Calculating hot track color of path label to be in contrast with background. 992
- Simplifying overwrite confirmation prompt: 993 ?Grouping advanced commands to drop down menu under button with related common command.
- Added thousands separators to sizes.
- Offering to remember password for duration of session on password prompt (when preferences Remember password for duration of session is turned off).
- File sizes on Synchronization Checklist and Find dialogs are optionally shown using short format.
- Swapped order of Use MLSD command for directory listing and Support for listing of hidden files FTP session options. Also disabling the latter unless the first is set to Off.
- Not allowing Timezone offset session setting with FTP protocol, while MLSD listing command is used.
- Not opening session from jumplist in existing instance, if it is showing error.
- Logging parsed directory listing on Normal logging level (previously on Debug 1 level).
- Moved option to remember session password from Background to Security tab of Preferences dialog
- Cached SSH host keys are imported by default
- Bug fix: It was not possible to pass sequence of consecutive delimiters when skipping to the next “word” in path input boxes.
- Bug fix: Opened/Closed folder icons on Location profile dialog were swapped.
- Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit.
- Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target clean.
- Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. 988
- Bug fix: Custom command pattern !/ had incorrect value when executed on existing secondary shell session just after directory change. 989
- Bug fix: Wrong background of path labels with disabled themes. 990
- Bug fix: Cannot import FileZilla sites in folders. 994
- Bug fix: FileZilla site logon type is not imported. 995
- Bug fix: Installer was asking for name of program menu folder, although no folder is created anymore.
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. 997
- Bug fix: Failure when using mouse wheel with mouse cursor outside of WinSCP window. 998
- Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt.
- Bug fix: When “Change stored password to this one” option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session.
- Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. 999
- Bug fix: IP address range 172.16-172.31 was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. 1001
- Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY does not work. 1002
Cambios para v5.1.4 - v5.2 beta
- Many improvements to user interface, including new icon set
- Simplified Transfer options dialog
- Improved working with transfer settings and presets
- Workspace saving
- Sites incremental searching on Login dialog
- Sites import from Filezilla
- Displaying queue status on taskbar button
- Source code of .NET assembly is available for the first time
Cambios para v5.1.7 - v5.1.8
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.1.6 - v5.1.7
- Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. 1039
- Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. 1039 vuln-modmul vuln-bignum-division-by-zero private-key-not-wiped
- Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. 1025
- Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. 1032
- Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error “The system cannot find the file specified” was shown instead of the actual cause.
Cambios para v5.1.5 - v5.1.6
- This version fixes several bugs, vulnerability and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.1.4 - v5.1.5
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.1.3 - v5.1.4
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1e.
- Not requiring the .NET assembly to exist in file. 970
- Not considering 3xx error code an error for post-login FTP commands. 972
- Workaround for servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. 976
- Bug fix: Failure after system-wide change. 962
- Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. 967
- Bug fix: Traversed subfolders are incorrectly included in find results. 968
- Bug fix: Wrong color indicator on session tab when session was not switched by clicking on the tab. 974
- Bug fix: Failure when auto remote directory refresh was triggered during operation initiated by drag&drop. 975
- Bug fix: Wrong timezone offset was applied with FTP protocol. 977
- Bug fix: It was not possible to preserve timezone offset of 24 hours and greater in stored session.
- Bug fix: Wrong timestamp conversion with FTP protocol. 978
- Bug fix: Error in .NET assembly when temporary path contains exclamation mark. 980
- Bug fix: Indefinite chain of errors when XML logging fails.
Cambios para v5.1.2 - v5.1.3
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.1.1 - v5.1.2
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.1 - v5.1.1
- New VeriSign publisher certificate used for signing binaries.
- Including timezone information in a session log file.
- Installer creates desktop icon for all users by default.
- On Windows 8, installer creates only main icon on the Start screen.
- Added commands to execute PuTTYgen and Pageant to Tools menu on Login dialog.
- Allowing multiple fingerprints in SessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint and SessionOptions.HostSslCertificateFingerprint. 932
- Logging FTP raw directory listing on Normal logging level.
- Raw session setting TunnelHostKey to verify tunnel session hostkey. 938
- Bug fix: Failure when saving file opened from closed session. 918
- Bug fix: Invalid executable signature. 924
- Bug fix: Never create Quick Launch icon on Windows 7 and newer.
- Bug fix: Notifications of completed operation (such as balloon notifications), when application is minimized, were not working.
- Bug fix: Hangs when showing Log windows while logging in. 925
- Bug fix: Retrieving file stats using non-absolute path may fail with FTP protocol. 930
- Bug fix: Error retrieving file stats using full path with FTP protocol. 926
- Bug fix: Treat timestamps in FTP MLSD/MLST results as UTC. 923
- Bug fix: Failure when FTP server returns “parent” directory is MLSD directory listing. 922
- Bug fix: Background transfer queues were not re-arranged with the sessions, when changing session tab order. 928
- Bug fix: Incorrect file was renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file. 933
- Bug fix: Incorrect file list/directory tree splitter color (with themes turned off).
- Bug fix: Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key. 934
- Bug fix: Could not use .NET assembly from path with special characters (like #). 935
- Bug fix: On re-installation, drag&drop shell extension was sometime not activated.
- Bug fix: Hangs when stopping watching for changes in local folder. 915
- Bug fix: Failure when canceling password prompt with FTP protocol. 936
- Bug fix: Empty directory listing was loaded twice with MLSD with FTP command. 937
Cambios para v5.0.9 RC - v5.1
- Bug fix: Local file/folder got recycled when dropped on folder on the same panel.
Cambios para v5.0.8 RC - v5.0.9 RC
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Cambios para v5.0.7 Beta - v5.0.8 RC
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c.
- Drag & drop to re-order session tabs. 862
- Local files can be dragged to session tabs for upload. 865
- Remote files can be dragged to session tabs for duplication. 884
- Color icon on session tab. 863
- FTP passive mode IP address is substituted with connection address automatically when passive mode address is unroutable. 883
- Contents of opened internal editors is automatically backed up, when application is abruptly closed. 886
- Session color menu is available on session tab context menu.
- Filter command added to address toobars and context menu of file panels. 732
- Lock toolbars command added to context menu of file panel toolbars. 754
- Added Session.CreateDirectory and Session.RenameFile methods to .NET assembly. 822 833
- Added Session.Abort method to .NET assembly. 890
- Change: Scripting command rm and .NET assembly Session.RemoveFiles method can remove directories as well. 887
- Postponing upload of modified edited remote file to allow the editor finish saving of the file. 870
- When transfer settings preset selected for transfer or synchronization is changed, the transfer settings are updated to the new preset configuration.
- Support for directory listing with timestamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm with SCP protocol. 853
- With scripting exit code is recorded in the session log file.
- Properties of Session class that cannot be changed after session starts, throw an exception when set.
- It is possible to set limit to try reconnecting broken sessions using Session.ReconnectTime. 860
- Change: Remote files are never recycled, unless explicitly enabled. 867
- UTF-8 byte-order-mask is stripped on FTP upload. 888
- Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F4 for internal editor in Commander interface. 827
- Keyboard shortcut Alt+Up for opening parent directory. 605
- Taking tabs into account when calculating column position in an Internal editor. 789
- Double buffered drawing of session tabs to prevent flicker.
- Windows 8 compatibility and certification: ?Not saving random seed file, when run for maintenance task, e.g. during installation/uninstallation, to comply with Windows 8 certification.
- ?Other compatibility improvements.
- Using name of focused file as initial name for a new file. 873
- When generation of temporary file for .NET assembly fails, meaningful exception is thrown and status of temporary folder is logged to help troubleshooting.
- Falling back to Virtual folder when looking for an INI file to maintain compatibility with WinSCP 4.x on Windows Vista and newer. 874
- Parsed directory listing is logged.
- AES is preferred encryption cipher again. 880
- Directory listings lacking inode column are supported. 881
- Dialogs are placed in the center of their parent window.
- Improved debug logging of .NET assembly.
- Logging collection of files for synchronization.
- Beta versions always check for beta versions updates.
- Bug fix: Restore selection command shortcut changed to Shift+Ctrl+R (it used to have the same shortcut as Automatically refresh directory after operation).
- Bug fix: “Operation aborted” messages were not suppressed.
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnect failed (generalizing fix). 829
- Bug fix: Missing icons in jumplist. 854
- Bug fix: Session.FileExists was failing with “Recursive calls not allowed”. 852
- Bug fix: Some UTF-8 encoded files were incorrectly loaded into an Internal Editor. 859
- Bug fix: Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list was being updated. 864
- Bug fix: Main window was not restoring from system tray sometimes. 745
- Bug fix: Failure was not reported, when opening of secondary shell session to execute remote command failed. 871
- Bug fix: Hidden files were not dimmed, when Name column was not the first one (including the hidden columns). 872
- Bug fix: Instruction-only authentication prompts were failed, when predefined password was used in prior prompt already. 877
- Bug fix: Error when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting SSL session resuming. 879
- Bug fix: Occasional hang when dialog was opened from an internal editor window. 882
- Bug fix: Bugs and other three-state session options were logged incorrectly.
- Bug fix: Switch /xmllog was not working in GUI sessions.
- Bug fix: Could not connect to SSH server without storing hostkey fingerprint. 889
- Bug fix: Support for MLSD FTP command was not detected. 891
- Bug fix: File permissions were not retrieved from MLSD FTP directory listing.
- Bug fix: Searching messages without associated help page on documentation site was not working.
- Bug fix: Warning about overriding script options include and exclude by -filemask switch was sometimes shown incorrectly.
Cambios para v5.0.6 Beta - v5.0.7 Beta
- UTF-8 support in an internal editor.
- Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1b.
- Several small improvements to application look and feel.
- WinSCP now optionally reports anonymous usage statistics to WinSCP team. You can opt-out if you like.
Cambios para v4.3.7 - v5.0.6 Beta
- Prototype of .NET assembly built around WinSCP scripting interface.
- Upgrade to PuTTY 0.62 and OpenSSL 1.0.0g.
- Improvements to file masks.
- Improvements to scripting.
Cambios para v5.0.4 Beta - v5.0.5 Beta
- This version fixes yet more bugs and adds few improvements.
Cambios para v5.0.3 Beta - v5.0.4 Beta
- Icon is assigned to all top-level windows, in particular to initial Login dialog, so that there?s always WinSCP icon in the Alt+Tab view.
- Bug fix: Synchronization check list view was corrupted.
- Bug fix: Failure when changing view style in Explorer interface. 753
- Bug fix: It was not possible to drag more than one file. 756
- Bug fix: Default permissions for new remote directory did not include Execute right. 762
Cambios para v5.0.2 Beta - v5.0.3 Beta
- Taskbar jump list support on Windows 7.
- Tab selector for sessions.
- Queue processing can be disabled.
- Synchronized browsing is configurable per stored session.
Cambios para v5.0.1 Beta - v5.0.2 Beta
- Any session configuration option can be set on command line and/or scripting in raw format using /rawsettings switch. 520
- Change: Binary transfer mode is default. 670
- Change: Connection error is recorded in XML log in new subtag result of root tagsession. 545
- Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. 165
- Environment variables are resolved in session hostname and username. 392
- Installer without OpenCandy does not include OpenCandy licence anymore.
- Option to enable active mode with FTP protocol in scripting. 669
- Both session (text) and XML log can be produced at the same time. 481
- Bug fix: Failure when cancelling login dialog. 728
- Bug fix: Failure to locate GetTimeZoneInformationForYear. 729
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working.
- Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local Open directory window. 710
Cambios para v5.0 Beta - v5.0.1 Beta
- This version fixes several regression bugs and adds some new functionality.
Cambios para v4.3.4 - v5.0 Beta
- Unicode support.
- Explorer-style file selection with mouse is enabled by default in Commander interface.
- Bug fix: Buttons on Login dialog sometimes got hidden.
- Bug fix: ? at the end of file mask did not enforce presence of character.
- Bug fix: Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting.
Cambios para v4.3.7 - v4.4.0
- Bug fix: Icon on properties dialog was rendered with session color on background.
- Bug fix: Tray icon was not restored after explorer/taskbar restart. 898
- Bug fix: External IP address of the server is not used when provided IP address is automatically detected as unroutable. 904
- Bug fix: Error connecting over SOCKS proxy with FTP protocol. 907
- Bug fix: Local file/folder got recycled when dropped on folder on the same panel. 911
- Bug fix: Failure when saving file opened from closed session. 918
- Bug fix: Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key. 934
- Bug fix: Incorrect file was renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file. 933
- Bug fix: Failure to open session in scripting from command line was not reported in exit code. 953
- Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. 967
Cambios para v4.3.8 - v4.3.9
- This release allows automatic connection to misconfigured FTP servers behind router. It also fixes bug, when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting SSL session resuming.
- With this release WinSCP recommends Google Chrome (eliminating concerns with dynamic OpenCandy recommendations used previously).
Cambios para v4.3.7 - v4.3.8
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.7 and 5.0.8 beta releases:
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c.
- Embedded GPL licence text did not contain instructions for how to use GPL on your own programs. 800
- Full row select is by default turned ‘off’ to allow easier selection of files by mouse.
- Support for directory listing with timestamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm with SCP protocol. 853
- With scripting exit code is recorded in the session log file.
- Bug fix: Fallback to registry storage, when implicit INI file storage was not writable, was not working. 801
- Bug fix: Incorrect Base64 encoding in HTTP Basic authentication with FTP protocol. 804
- Bug fix: Could not select files by dragging selection marquee. 778
- Bug fix: Shut down once operation completes was blocked by confirmation prompt. 811
- Bug fix: Failure on SSL session resuming. Thanks to Michael Lukashov. 668
- Bug fix: Command lls showed incorrect size for files over 2 GiB. 819
- Bug fix: Failure when generating valid local file name from name containing more than one invalid character. 836
- Bug fix: Authentication prompts with no actual prompt were always failed in scripting. 820
- Bug fix: Default session settings were not preserved, when set based on loaded stored session. 839
- Bug fix: Keepalives cause timeouts with FTP protocol. 847
- Bug fix: Incorrect timestamp timezone in XML log and .NET assembly. 843
- Bug fix: Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list was being updated. 864
Cambios para v4.3.6 - v4.3.7
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.6 beta release:
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0g.
- Bug fix: State of Synchronize on start of Keep remote directory up to date dialog was not preserved. 774
- Bug fix: Progress window was incorrectly placed when reloading remote file opened in an Internal editor.
- Bug fix: File was uploaded after closing an internal editor even when not changed, but reloaded. 790
- Bug fix: With FTP protocol touch element was not generated in XML log file.
- Bug fix: Could not handle less common formats of passive connection data response from FTP server. 793
- Bug fix: Failure exit code always reported when reading script from standard input. 794
- Bug fix: File list flickered on every focus move on Windows XP with Explorer-style selection disabled. 783
- Bug fix: Progress bar tooltip is not hidden once the progress window disappears. 796
Cambios para v4.3.5 - v4.3.6
- Bug fix: ?Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages? SSH bug was always on. 767
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.0.3 - 5.0.6 beta releases:All binaries are signed with Martin Prikryl publisher certificate. 505
- When script is aborted by the user, error exit code is used.
- Connect timeout is configurable.
- When renaming a folder within file panel, whole filename (including an extension) is always selected. 737
- In-application license text updated to GPLv3. 751
- Change: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, single-file implicit mouse-selection is not preserved, when focus/selection is subsequently changed using keyboard.
- SSH core upgraded to PuTTY 0.62. It brings following changes: ¦Security fix: WinSCP no longer retains passwords in memory by mistake. password-not-wiped
- Bug fix: Spurious ?Access denied? printed in the authentication window after GSSAPI failure. gssapi-access-denied
- Bug fix: 0.61-style Pageant did not work with 0.60-style WinSCP. pageant-backwards-compatibility
- Bug fix: Fixed parsing owner/group with modified ID on Properties dialog.
- Bug fix: When switching between session and shared bookmarks, path was not updated on the Open directory dialog.
- Bug fix: Internal ?Operation aborted? errors were not suppressed for background transfers.
- Bug fix: Path label was not resized with larger shell font size.
- Bug fix: Default permissions for new remote directory did not include Execute right. 762
- Bug fix: Duplicate reconnect prompt when connection is lost, while transferring file in subdirectory.
- Bug fix: Error was signaled from script when connection stalled even when it was reconnected. 731
- Bug fix: Failure to locate GetUserNameEx. 734
- Bug fix: Records of files transferred within subdirectory were written at once, not continuously, in XML logging. 739
- Bug fix: In mouse-only Explorer-style selection mode, selection was not cleared after clicking outside of selection, after focus/selection was previously changed using keyboard.
- Bug fix: Session name was not preserved when duplicating session into a new window.
- Bug fix: Installer was not removing translations of previous versions on Windows 7.
- OpenCandy advertising module reintroduced to the installer. There?s also ad-free alternative installer available.
Cambios para v4.3.4 - v4.3.5
- Bug fix: Translations were not included in setup.
- Bug fix: Versions of 3rd party components were not updated in translations.
- Back-propagates some improvements and fixes from 5.0 - 5.0.2 beta releases:
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0e.
- Explorer-style file selection with mouse is enabled by default in Commander interface.
- Starting renaming the next file after confirming rename with Tab key.
- Logging local account into session log.
- F10 key closes an internal editor.
- Installer without OpenCandy does not include OpenCandy licence anymore.
- Bug fix: Directory listing was shown as part of the file transfer error message with FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: Internal editor window is not restored when minimized when editing the already file again.
- Bug fix: Link to a parent directory is not read in an empty remote root folder.
- Bug fix: Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting.
- Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local Open directory window.
Cambios para v4.3.3 - v4.3.4
- This release upgrades SSH core to PuTTY 0.61 and fixes several bugs.
Cambios para v4.3.2 - v4.3.3
- Rolled back increase of socket internal buffer size for SSH. 677
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-03-04, revision 9120). It brings following changes:
- Support for “zlib@openssh.com” compression. 146
- Small performace improvements.
- On Windows 7 progress of operation is shown on the taskbar button. 437
- URLs with IPv6 address are supported. 681
- Removed length limit for FTP Post login commands. 673
- Colon in stored session name and IPv6 addresses is escaped when used for generated name of session log file.
- State of Advanced options checkbox is always remembered. 650
- Source of the configuration is stored into session log. 683
- Navigating back/forward with synchronized browsing enabled affects both panels. 625
- When renaming a file during transfer, only filename (without an extension) is optionally selected. 664
- File renaming is not started, when only focusing application. 651
- Session colors are used on stored session list. 687
- Setup will default to use the same language as the last time.
- Setup will not try to replace the drag&drop shell extension unless newer version is included. This prevents setup from requiring restart in many cases. 686
- Bug fix: Incorrect conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST on Windows 2008 R2. 671
- Bug fix: Failure on transfer error with SCP protocol. 674
- Bug fix: Invalid timezone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol. 675
- Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working on x64. 662
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnection fails with FTP protocol. 680
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting with FTP protocol. 676
- Bug fix: chmod command was not skipped with SCP protocol, when changing file properties but not changing permissions. 645
- Bug fix: Error when uploading file with specific size with FTP protocol. 684
Cambios para v4.3.1 Beta - v4.3.2
- 2011-02-23SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0d.
- Enabled TLS extensions in OpenSSL, what resolves problems with some FTP servers. 658
- Change: Compare directories command uses Shift+F2 shortcut instead of Ctrl+C. 641
- Added support for dragging files from WinRAR. 399.
- Default ascii file mask extended with *.js. 642
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-02-21, revision 9101).
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working.
- Bug fix: Error response to SFTP initialization request was sometimes parsed incorrectly.
- Bug fix: It was not possible to skip errors during some operations. 654
- Bug fix: Home directory was incorrect after reconnect with FTP protocol. 659
- Bug fix: It was sometimes not possible to initiate file renaming. 657
Cambios para v4.3.0 Beta - v4.3.1 Beta
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0c.
- File renaming is not started, when only focusing file panel. 570
- Bug fix: Failure when logging in ad-hoc session. 632
- Bug fix: Failure when directory is reloaded while renaming file. 633
- Bug fix: Values with special characters were not exported correctly to PuTTY. 634
- Bug fix: Invalid DST handling in the Southern hemisphere. 638
- Bug fix: Synchronized browsing was not preserved, when restarting application. 639
Cambios para v4.2.9 - v4.3.0 Beta
- 2010-11-07Increased socket internal buffer size for SSH. It should improve transfer speed. Thanks to ultramage. 615
- Environment variables are resolved in path to external editor. 563
- Include/exclude masks can be used when moving files between local and remote directories. 536
- Add to Bookmarks and Refresh commands added to context menus of panel path labels. 624
- Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. 165
- Change: Links to website and help are no longer created in start menu folder. 616
- Autocomplete disabled for most of the combo boxes. 619
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-09-27, revision 9010). It brings following changes:
- Improved port forwarding robustness.
- When disconnected because there are no supported authentication methods left to try, the error message contains the list of methods sent by the server.
- Standard GSS libraries are now loaded from standard locations rather than using the default DLL search path.
- Other small bugs fixed.
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0a.
- Bug fix: Error when refreshing panel content. 617
- Bug fix: Error when more background transfers finish at the same moment. 622
- Bug fix: Script does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode. 623
- Bug fix: Main window appeared in background, when prompt for master password appeared during authentication. 629
Cambios para v4.2.8 - v4.2.9
- Never try to rename file to the very same name. 604
- Bug fix: Failure when executing custom command and not capturing its output. 587
- Bug fix: GSSAPI/Kerberos was not working. 590
- Bug fix: Local file timestamp was interpreted incorrectly for synchronization on Windows 7. 591
- Bug fix: Failure on close scripting command. 599
- Bug fix: Edited file was reloaded from active session, not from original session. 603
- Bug fix: Path history was mixed among sessions. 607
- Bug fix: Session closed after operation completes was automatically reconnected. 608
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was hanging. 611
- Bug fix: Missing content on OpenCandy screen. 600
Cambios para v4.2.7 - v4.2.8
- File size masks are allowed in script commands. 555
- Conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST follows changes introduced in Windows 7. 564
- Installation package includes development versions of PuTTYgen and Pageant applications. It brings following changes:
- PuTTYgen supports importing of new-style OpenSSH private keys (encrypted by AES rather than 3DES).
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-05-19, revision 8952). Improving GSSAPI support.
- Script commands and output are included into session log. 547
- Bug fix: IPv6 support was broken. 556
- Bug fix: Protocol ftps was ignored in session URL when port number was also specified. 558
- Bug fix: Suggested session path was duplicated when saving new session. 562
- Bug fix: SFTP packet counter overflow. 565
- Bug fix: Sorting by owner/group was broken. 571
- Bug fix: Failure when opening session protected with master password from command-line in console. 573
- Bug fix: Saving password in default session settings did not force prompt for master password, allowing the password being stored unecrypted.
- Bug fix: Missing OpenCandy DLL on Windows startup. 579
- Bug fix: Hangs when changing directory using directory tree after toggling showing of hidden files. 580
- Bug fix: !.! was suggested as name of executable when browsing for previously undefined executable.
- Bug fix: Failure when running multiple instances of console interface tool in parallel. 581
Cambios para v4.2.6 - v4.2.7
- Increased maximal size of accepted SFTP packet.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing connection after another failed connection.
- Bug fix: Root path was not remembered as last working path on a drive.
- Bug fix: Hang-up after closing connection.
Cambios para v4.2.5 - v4.2.6
- ZIP archive with both executables is released instead of just compressed EXE. 523
- Automatically named session is renamed when hostname and/or username is modified. 532
- When reading of file to be edited fails, empty internal editor is no longer shown.
- Forcing width of message box not to exceed screen width.
- Environment variables in path to private key file are resolved before passing it to PuTTY to open the session. 524
- WinSCP name is included in balloon notifications. 533
- Timezone offset can be set up to +/-25 hours. 534
- Setup does not query OpenCandy for ads when running silent install.
- Small visual changes for Windows 7.
- Being tolerant to FTP servers enclosing path in 257 response to single quotes. 541
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-01-17, revision 8846). Fixing memory leak.
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.8l.
- Bug fix: Bookmarks with equal sign in their name were not preserved when using INI file. 522
- Bug fix: Synchronize browsing failed, when entering local directory, while current remote path was root. 525
- Bug fix: Having higher logging level set decreased performance even when logging itself was disabled. 526
- Bug fix: Error when running ad hoc custom command. 529
- Bug fix: Tray icon was sometimes not removed when application closed.
- Bug fix: Navigation tree on Preferences dialog was corrupted sometimes. 539
- Bug fix: Memory leak while authenticating with private key.
- Bug fix: System date/time format was not followed on Windows 7. 537
- Bug fix: On some systems winscp.com did not find winscp.exe when executed from search path. 542
- Bug fix: Failure when connection was closed while Console window was opened.
Cambios para v4.2.4 Beta - v4.2.5
- Environment variable WINSCP_PATH pointing to path, where WinSCP executable file is located, is set on startup, so it can be used to configure portable paths relative to the WinSCP executable file. 311
- It is not possible to cancel master password prompt anymore, when saving session with passwords
- Slash added to names of directories in search results to distinguish them from files
- Keyboard shortcut for finding files changed to F3 in Explorer interface
- Path is recorded in history after changing directory in console window. 518
- Replacing characters not allowed in local file names is taken into account with synchronized browsing. 512
Cambios para v4.2.3 Beta - v4.2.4 Beta
- File search.
- Stored session passwords can be encrypted using master password.
Cambios para v4.2.2 Beta - v4.2.3 Beta
- Configurable keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and shared bookmarks. 103
- FTP proxy support. 27
- FTPS server certificate is shown on Server and protocol information dialog. 438
- Existing remote file can be opened in editor by typing its name. 366
- Workaround for Momentum server limit of 32 KiB for reading/writing. 440
- Added missing descriptions of certificate, implicit, explicitssl and explicittls switches for command-line and scripting.
- Empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts are ignored. 388
- 256×256 icon is deployed with WinSCP. 445
- WinSCP prevents computer from being suspended during operation. 265
- It can be configured how long WinSCP should keep trying reconnect broken sessions. 460
- Change: Double double-quote is treated as a single double-quote within value of command-line parameter. 454
- For FTP servers know not to support LIST -a command (Personal FTP server), LIST only is used by default. 458
- While downloading trailing dot in filenames is replaced with %2E, as Windows trim them. 452
- Errors when deleting local files after upload finishes are reported. 462
- Pressing Enter, while having selected an open session without hostname, loads the session. 463
- Session name can be optionally used as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. 385
- Remote path may optionally not be as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. 229
- Option for substituting FTP passive mode IP address with connection address. 376
- Change: Once dot-only filenames are obscured from Windows, all security checks which hide dot-only filenames from user are removed. 452
- Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations were shown even when target file did not exist when uploading with SFTP protocol. 442
- Bug fix: Mask hints label on transfer settings dialogs was improperly placed when localized.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing session while having log window opened and custom commands toolbar displayed. 441
- Bug fix: Passive FTP transfers with IPv6 did not work. 446
- Bug fix: Ctrl+R in the internal editor opened Replace dialog instead of reloading current document. 444
- Bug fix: Meaning of UTF-8 encoding for filenames option was reversed for FTP. 450
- Bug fix: Skipped files are shown in progress list on console. 451
- Bug fix: Values were overlapped on progress window when Calculate total size transfer settings was disabled. 456
- Bug fix: “There is no disk in drive” message was sometimes shown on startup. 19
- Bug fix: Failure when configuration was changed, while file from closed internal editor was still being uploaded. 461
- Bug fix: Failure when file was opened in editor while still being uploaded after closing editor. 465
- Bug fix: Transfer progress was not shown on console when moving files to local directory. 443
- Bug fix: Error when uploading empty folder that already existed on the server with FTP. 466
- Bug fix: Failure when FTP data connection was lost. 467
- Bug fix: Memory leak in drag&drop shell extension. 471
- Bug fix: Failure when installing on Windows 2000. 447
- Bug fix: OpenCandy DLL was installed even if user chose not to use it. 455
- Bug fix: Icon was not displayed properly on Windows 2000. 473
- Bug fix: Timeout may occurred earlier that configured with FTP. 472
Cambios para v4.2.1 Beta - v4.2.2 Beta
- New icon by Jonathan Heathcote
- Each selected file/directory can be optionally added individually to background transfer queue. 97
- It is possible to schedule computer shutdown at the end of operation or once the background transfer queue is empty. 292
- New switches -append and -resume to scripting commands put and get to append file/resume transfer respectively. 298
- Added switch /certificate to command-line and open script command to automatically accept SSL certificate with given fingerprint. 430
- Change: SSH host key or SSL/TLS certificate can no longer be automatically verified using scripting batch mode. 411
- When renaming a file within file panel, whole filename (including an extension) can be optionally selected again. 255
- In Commander interface the directory tree can be optionally shown left of file list. 5
- Broken idle sessions are optionally automatically reconnected. 30
- Local custom commands that work both with remote and local file (diff-style) can be executed from synchronization checklist for pairs of files. 54
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2008-04-26, revision 8519). It brings following changes:
- Empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts are ignored. 388
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.8k.
- FTPS session can be opened from script explicitly. 396
- It is possible to turn off both modification time and file size comparison criteria, synchronizing thus only by file existence. 368
- List of parameters can be passed to script using /parameter command-line parameter. The parameters are resolved in the script using %N% pattern. 197
- For synchronization, when comparison by modification time is disabled, it is possible to turn off preserving of timestamp. 368
- Empty password can be specified explicitly on command-line and in script to allow password-less authentication with FTP. 428
- Speed limit can be set as part of transfer settings. 302
- It can be configured how long script should keep trying reconnect broken sessions. 367
- On download names of files reserved in Windows (such as NUL) are appended with %00 to allow saving them. 58
- Appending to log file with XML format is disallowed.
- Dialogs are showed on-screen even if center of the main window is off-screen. 360
- Changed usage to discourage specification of session on command-line for console use.
- Console interface tool usage shows only command-line parameters relevant for console use.
- Limited number of HTTP redirects when checking for updates.
- When opening connection in FTP active mode fails, using passive mode is suggested.
- Workaround for Windows 7 incompatibility, preventing loading translation plugins. 423
- For compatibility with Fedora 11, dot (.) after permissions in directory listing is ignored 436
- Transfer settings controls reorganized so that Clear ‘Archive’ attribute fits to Upload options. 108
- In Mirror synchronization mode it is possible to turn off comparison by modification time.
- It is not possible to change XML log file name in middle of session. 393
- Bug fix: Failure when downloading file from non-current directory with FTPS protocol. 390
- Bug fix: Edit With dialog had wrong layout.
- Bug fix: Overwriting new or updated files only was not working with SFTP when overwrite confirmations were disabled. 408
- Bug fix: Occasional failure when closing commander window. 419
- Bug fix: Local shortcuts were not followed. 420
- Bug fix: Commander tab of Preferences dialog did not have help screen associated.
- Bug fix: Selection did not follow focus after reloading of directory. 432
- Bug fix: Stray empty line was printed on console on failed connections.
Cambios para v4.1.8 - v4.2.1 Beta
- FTPS (FTP over TLS/SSL) support.
- It is possible to change group/owner of a remote file by UID/GID.
- XML logging for more formal and machine-readable representation of operations performed during the session.
- Filter for file panel.
Cambios para v4.1.7 - v4.1.8
- Expanding/collapsing capability of message boxes removed.
- Bug fix: Icon on Properties dialog is shrunk to fit, if shell icon size is too large. 323
- Bug fix: Dragging of item in editor list was not correctly stopped.
- Bug fix: Error when moving current remote directory to different location (e.g. by dragging tree node). 330
- Bug fix: Duplicating session in new window was not working. 332
- Bug fix: Color of file panel border was not updated in some cases.
- Bug fix: Error on startup when initial local directory as reported by Windows starts with lowercase drive letter. 319
- Bug fix: Size of externally removed local files was not detracted from total file size shown on status bar.
- Bug fix: File statistics on status bar was not updated with automatic update of local file panel on external change.
- Bug fix: Controls on some dialogs (e.g. editor preferences dialog) were occasionally corrupted. 336
Cambios para v4.1.6 - v4.1.7
- Output from console interface tool is no longer buffered. 281
- System error message is shown when FTP connection is refused.
- Transfer mode and resume support status are no longer shown on progress window.
- Internal editor is opened faster. 312
- It is possible to reference session in folder from command line and script. 300
- Session name can contain special characters like []/. 305
- In scripting on session start local working directory is set to the one saved in stored session. 303
- Bug fix: Wrapping of long files were not applied to newly opened internal editors. 287
- Bug fix: Alias to directory listing command was not cleared (SCP only). 285
- Bug fix: Failure when creating directory with SFTP. 307
- Bug fix: “List index out of bounds (-1)” error on startup with Explorer interface and Show full path on address bar option disabled. 294
- Bug fix: Transfer progress indication was not completed with FTP protocol. 278
- Bug fix: Paste in an internal editor lost final new line. 277
- Bug fix: Dialogs opened from Preferences dialog opened from internal editor are properly placed over them. 282
- Bug fix: Failure when dragging item in editor list.
- Bug fix: Internal editor status bar was not updated after reload.
- Bug fix: WinSCP closed without warning even when internal editor with modified local file was opened.
- Bug fix: Changes to internal editor configuration were not applied to opened editors with local files.
- Bug fix: Random pieces of log were duplicated in log window. 310
- Bug fix: Log window was not updated while connecting.
- Bug fix: Some administrative restrictions were not being applied. 315
Cambios para v4.1.5 - v4.1.6
- includes translations:
- Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Swedish
- in addition to installing application executable file, it can install public key tools (Pageant, PuTTYgen) and create start menu items, desktop icons etc.
- also includes Windows shell extension for direct drag&drop downloads and console interface tool for running scripts from command-line
Cambios para v4.1.4 Beta - v4.1.5
- For internal directory listings with FTP protocol LIST is used unless LIST -a was already proven to work. 263
- Bug fix: .. directory become visible eventually in Explorer interface. 259
- Bug fix: Open session in new window was not working for stored sessions in folders. 266
- Bug fix: It was not possible to permanently select English language, when default system language was different (and that language for WinSCP was installed).
- Bug fix: It was not possible to move files by drag&drop to other applications when using drag&drop shell extension. 261
- Bug fix: Failure when starting console interface tool. 260
Cambios para v4.13 Beta - v4.1.4 Beta
- More verbose error messages are shown when operation with local file fails.
- Improved detection of Vista for workaround for bug in it preventing selection of files with keyboard. 242
- Ignoring less than 2 seconds timestamp difference when synchronizing. 249
- Improvements to setup: 240
- Improved support for installation by non-privileged users.
- User preferences set in installer are used as defaults for all users, not only the one that has installed it.
- Option to add WinSCP path to search path is not offered if installer is not run by administrator.
- Bug fix: Installed WinSCP uses by default registry to store configuration for all users, not only the one that has installed it.
- When winscp.com is forcefully terminated, winscp.exe is not left running behind anymore. 246
- Most lists can be scrolled while item is dragged, particularly stored sessions list. 241
- Whitespace is no longer required after comment line in scripting. 252
- Workarounds for OpenSSH-specific bugs are applied with Sun SSH as well. 228
- Bug fix: Drag&drop with shell extension did not work if temporary path was set in short form. 254
- Bug fix: Automatic reconnect during transfer did not work occasionally. 72
- Bug fix: Local proxy was not working at all. 244
- Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when dummy protocol command was dispatched to keep session alive, while reconnecting.
- Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when server stopped receiving data.
- Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. Maximized main window no longer minimize into small window caption. 174
- Bug fix: Scripting command call tried to interpret command switches. 238
Cambios para v4.1.2 Beta - v4.13 Beta
- installation package
- includes translations: Czech, English, Finnish, French, german, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
- in addition to installing application executable file,
- it can install public key tools (Pageant, PuTTYgen) and create start menu items, desktop icons etc.
- also includes Windows shell extension for direct drag&drop downloads and console interface tool for running scripts from command-line
Cambios para v4.11 Beta - v4.1.2 Beta
- installation package
- includes translations: Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
- in addition to installing application executable file, it can install public key tools (Pageant, PuTTYgen) and create start menu items, desktop icons etc.
- also includes Windows shell extension for direct drag&drop downloads and console interface tool for running scripts from command-line
Cambios para v4.1 Beta - v4.11 Beta
- MD5: 2be6a2f23183adb07b9f0c177b9d9940
- SHA1: 6f6ecf8787111f969d5f1114a867811b38aac8f1
- installation package
- includes translations: Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese
- in addition to installing application executable file, it can install public key tools (Pageant, PuTTYgen) and create start menu items, desktop icons etc.
- also includes Windows shell extension for direct drag&drop downloads and console interface tool for running scripts from command-line
Cambios para v4.0.7 - v4.1 Beta
- SSH core upgraded to PuTTY 0.60
- Stored sessions can be organized into folders.
- Handful of enhancements to scripting.
- Duplication of remotes files across sessions.
Cambios para v4.0.6 - v4.0.7
- While downloading trailing space in filenames are replaces with %20, as Windows does not allow them.
- Bug fix: Occasional failure while closing console window.
- Bug fix: Empty directories were not created on upload with FTP.
- Bug fix: Choosing between opening session in current or new window using Shift key was not working properly.
- Bug fix: When cancelling moving of local file to remote directory with FTP protocol, local source file was removed.
- Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations could not be suppressed for FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: It was possible to import “WinSCP temporary session” back to WinSCP.
Cambios para v4.0.5 - v4.0.6
- U3 version launches by default PuTTY for U3 and saves settings to its registry key.
- Access denied errors upon implicit writing to an INI file are ignored (it is expected that user made the file read-only deliberately).
- Drag and drop on 64-bit systems is working (was actually implemented for testing purposes in 4.0.5 already).
- When parsing directory listing, “at” sign after permissions is silently ignored
- INI file is being saved only when there was a change made.
- Bug fix: WinSCP has not allowed ending of Windows session (Log off, Shut down, etc.).
- Bug fix: Last line of authentication banner may have been incorrectly listed on authentication window.
- Bug fix: When prompt was displayed while reconnecting session with internal editor focused, it was not possible to focus the prompt input box.
- Bug fix: WinSCP was ignoring external requests to resize its window (particularly Cascade, Tide Horizontally and Tide Vertically taskbar commands).
- Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when authentication prompt was displayed while “timeout” message was shown.
- Bug fix: With some servers, it was not possible to remove a directory because WinSCP made the directory current before deletion.
- Bug fix: INI file was uselessly being saved also when opened for reading only.
- Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. Main window no longer minimize into small window caption.
- Bug fix: Quotes around string options saved to an INI files were duplicated.
- Bug fix: Reference to dragext.dll was not released once not used.
- Bug fix: Directory content cache was not reset after timestamp synchronization.
- Bug fix: When specifying session using ftp:// URL, correct port 21 is used by default.
- Bug fix: When URL of translator was not specified, stray URL was used instead.
Cambios para v4.0.4 - v4.0.5
- With FTP protocol, errors when parsing file permissions in directory listing are ignored.
- Reading/writing INI files is faster.
- Hostkey of tunneled session is verified against target session of tunnel.
- When opening session in PuTTY, defaults for session options not set by WinSCP are loaded from Default settings of PuTTY.
- Increased maximal length of username.
- Full system error is reported when writing of local file fails.
- Sample custom command Execute changed to ./! (from !).
- When parsing directory listing, plus sign after permissions, separated by space, is silently ignored.
- When uploading to symbolic link with SFTP protocol, resuming is disabled to preserve the link.
- Bug fix: Automatic reconnect in scripting was not working.
- Bug fix: When reading of local file failed, while uploading with SFTP protocol, file transfer was interrupted without reporting any error.
- Bug fix: When file transfer failed with FTP protocol, whole batch was interrupted, without an option to retry or skip the file transfer.
- Bug fix: Failure when parsing of directory listing failed with FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: Background color of directory tree icons has not reflected session color.
- Bug fix: Removed dependency on netapi32.dll (not present on Windows 95/98/ME).
- Bug fix: It was not possible to upload file opened in another application with FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: Missing GSSAPI was incorrectly reported, even when SSPI with GSSAPI support was present.
- Bug fix: Workaround for occasional bug when opening some dialogs.
Cambios para v4.0.3 - v4.0.4
- MD5: 2557d3da081e6e720e85e9530a104f7f
- SHA1: ca832ba7481dc438ce30ec6a9b5e2e1bfdc92e98
- installation package
- in addition to installing application executable file, it can install public key tools (Pageant, PuTTYgen) and create start menu items, desktop icons etc.
- also includes Windows shell extension for direct drag&drop downloads and console interface tool for running scripts from command-line
Cambios para v4.0.2 Beta - v4.0.3
- Mask *.php* in default text file mask is replaced with *.php and *.php3.
- Subdirectories of current directory are not scanned for purpose of displaying in tree view when the tree view is hidden.
- Bug fix: Once any transfer is done while keep remote directory up to date is running, its dialog cannot be minimized anymore.
- Bug fix: Failure when automatically reconnecting the session from script with option batch continue.
Cambios para v4.0.1 Beta - v4.0.2 Beta
- Bug fix: Popup menus invoked from buttons were not working.
Cambios para v4.0 - v4.0.1 Beta
- FTP core upgraded to FileZilla 2.2.32. The upgrade solves some vulnerabilities.
- When Session sheet is automatically selected on Login dialog (creation of new session, etc.), the Host name box is focused.
- Username of the main session is reused for background transfers.
- Different set of keepalive settings is used for FTP. FTP now has keepalives enabled by default.
- For convenience, file mask “*.” matches files without an extension (even if the name does not include the dot at all).
- When window is minimized during transfer that is part of synchronization, it stays minimized till the end of synchronization.
- After failure to open session requested from command line, login window is not shown.
- Command Open in PuTTY uses tunnel for current session.
- Global configuration that can be set on login dialog (user interface style, logging) is saved when session it saved.
- Alt+F6 now edits the link (if applicable).
- Bug fix: Checksum calculation with SFTP protocol was not working at all.
- Bug fix: For remote directories with names like “C:”, the icons of local drives were used.
- Bug fix: Proxy setting were ignored when setting up SSH tunnel.
- Bug fix: Password for proxy was ignored with FTP.
- Bug fix: SFTP uploads occasionally hanged.
- Bug fix: Prompts (such as password prompts) for background transfers froze the main window.
- Bug fix: It was not possible to change path by Browse button (such as path to a log file).
- Bug fix: Yes to All on overwrite confirmation box was not working (FTP only).
- Bug fix: For automatic transfers (uploads from editor, synchronization), the transfer was incorrectly automatically “resumed” when source file was larger than destination one, leaving content of file corrupted (FTP only). The issue may also make uploads from editor impossible in case server does not support (text file) transfer resuming.
- Bug fix: Local files excluded from transfer (upload) were indefinitely locked by WinSCP.
- Bug fix: Script failed once it needed to ask for password (with SFTP and SCP only).
- Bug fix: Open session in PUTTY did not use stored password.
- Bug fix: When switching back to WinSCP internal editor from another application, the main WinSCP window was focused instead.
- Bug fix: When synchronization occurred while the Keep remote directory up to date dialog was minimized, it was not possible to restore it.
Cambios para v3.8.2 - v4.0
- FTP support (based on FileZilla project).
- WinSCP can itself setup SSH tunnel to allow indirect connections through proxy SSH host.
- WinSCP executable is now named WinSCP.exe instead of WinSCP3.exe. The same change applies to default installation path and Start menu group (for upgrades, existing WinSCP3 path is preserved).
- Added simple “typical installation” option to setup that requires no further interaction from the user (apart from interface selection for fresh installs).
- Optional minimization to taskbar notification area (system tray).
- When executed as standalone (not installed) for the very first time, an INI file is used by default, if user has write permissions to directory, where WinSCP is executed from.
- Taskbar balloons optionally used for notifications when appropriate:
- When inactive session is disconnected.
- When background transfer queue is emptied (except for active session, when queue list is visible).
- When user interaction is required, while WinSCP is minimized.
- When new release is detected.
- File checksum can be calculated from Properties dialog (providing the server supports the functionality).
- SFTP uploads optimized.
- New option for handling of remote file timestamps: Preserve remote timestamp.
- New scripting option option batch continue. When set, WinSCP ignores and skips all errors.
- New scripting option option echo to enable echoing of commands being executed.
- New command to execute the last ad hoc custom command.
- Tabs on Login dialog that have no usable option for current context (e.g. protocol) are hidden.
- “Host hasn’t answered for X seconds” message disappears itself once the response finally arrives also in scripting.
- File edited in an internal editor can be reloaded (refreshed).
- Support for SSPI authentication.
- Support for Kerberos ticket forwarding.
- Configuration can be exported to an INI file.
- New command Duplicate session.
- Mirror mode for synchronization, where files are updated on any timestamp difference (i.e. even newer files are updated).
- Custom commands history stores also the command options.
- Preview changes for synchronization is enabled by default.
- Quick preset buttons for Windows and Unix systems on Environment tab of Login dialog (visible when advanced options are turned off only).
- It is no longer required to specify username of login dialog. User is prompted for username once required (and only if required).
- Information shown on status bar were reduced.
- Environment variables can be used in most configurable paths (like path to random seed file, log file, configuration INI file, PuTTY executable, folder for temporary files, private key file, etc.). The syntax is %NAME%. Part of U3 support.
- Script aborts eventually after receiving no answer for prompt (like password prompt), when running in batch mode.
- Whole authentication prompt is shown, even if it spans multiple lines.
- When Shift key is hold while New session or Duplicate session commands are selected, the session is opened in new instance (window) of WinSCP.
- Button Load on Stored sessions tab of Login dialog renamed to Edit.
- F1 opens help for current tab on Login and Preferences dialogs.
- What’s this button on dialog caption (?) opens help directly.
- Button Help replaced with Close on Login dialog.
- Single log file is used for all connections of one session (background transfer connections, secondary shell connection, tunnel connection).
- During silent uninstall, user is not prompted for cleanup of application data.
- Workaround for SSH servers based on cryptlib, which reports invalid files types in response to SSH_FXP_LSTAT request.
- Configuration of GSSAPI/SSPI authentication is exported to PuTTY sessions.
- When changing configuration storage, also caches (change directory cache, accepted SSH host keys, accepted banners) are transferred to the new storage.
- Context menu of permissions popup and input boxes has clipboard management commands.
- Menu item captions capitalized according to Windows standard.
- More internal error messages from PuTTY code are being localized.
- When saving the edited session under the same name, overwrite confirmation is not requested.
- Shell options of SCP tab of login dialog redesigned.
- Timestamps are saved in numerical format into an INI file for portability among systems with different date/time format.
- Status bar message about preset auto-selection can be clicked to reveal information about the preset.
- Preset information dialog has Configure button that opens preset preferences.
- Detection of OpenSSH sftp-server is more strict, not to apply on other SFTP servers running under OpenSSH.
- Pattern hint link for log file name added.
- For fatal errors (e.g. “lost connection”), original cause of the problem is kept as a top message, as opposite to regular errors, where contextual error message is on top.
- Buttons Login and Save on Login dialog swapped.
- When Handles SSH-2 key re-exchange badly bug is enabled, the Key exchange tab is hidden.
- Web page shortcuts in Start menu are now direct shortcuts instead of shortcuts to URL file.
- New button What’s new on information box about updates.
- Bug fix: Failure when changing languages (particularly with “Data execution protection” enabled).
- Bug fix: Failure, when remote command had character % in its error output.
- Bug fix: Close button were default even, if path box on Space available tab of Server and protocol information dialog had focus.
- Bug fix: Remote home directory of session was set to current working directory, after switching sessions.
- Bug fix: Local home directory were changing while switching sessions, even when changing of local panel state with sessions is disabled.
- Bug fix: INI file specified by filename-only using /ini parameter was not looked for in current working directory.
- Bug fix: Ad hoc command executed from file panel context menu was executed for selected files, despite the menu being opened for not-selected file.
- Bug fix: Infinite loop of error messages when connection was broken while timeout message was being shown.
- Bug fix: Trailing delimiter text were occasionally left in remote command output.
- Bug fix: Some authentication progress steps were not shown on authentication window for secondary shell sessions.
- Bug fix: Inactive sessions were not kept alive.
- Bug fix: Incorrect sizing of internal editor windows opened on non-primary monitor.
- Bug fix: Automatic retry after timeout was not working.
- Bug fix: Stored session may be lost when letter case was changed solely during rename.
- Bug fix: It was not possible to cancel text mode upload with SCP protocol.
- Bug fix: Change directory cache may become corrupted when using INI file for configuration.
- Bug fix: Drag&drop download was not working, if relative path was used for temporary folder. Part of U3 support.
- Bug fix: After startup, button on taskbar was not “pressed”, even if WinSCP login dialog had focus.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing console window.
- Bug fix: When moving files from remote directory tree, the tree was not updated after operation, leaving icon for no-longer-existing directory.
- Bug fix: Octal display of file permissions was not filled if no permissions were set for a file.
- Bug fix: Failure to change attributes of local files was not reported sometime.