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Symantec Trojan.Ransomlock Key Generator Tool v1.0.0

This freeware tool from Symantec is a simple key generator that can be used to generate an unlock code for a Windows computer infected with Trojan.Ransomlock.

An infected computer will show a dialog box that provides a code to help with the unlocking. Download this tool to an uninfected system. Run it from command prompt (Start -> Run -> Type "CMD" and hit enter) after navigating to the folder it is in with the CD command (for example, if it is in the C: directory, then type "CD " to get to the root directory).

When you run it, it will ask for the code shown in the Trojan.Ransomlock dialog box. Choose one of the following options depending on the format of the code displayed in the dialog box...
  • If the code displayed by the threat has the following format "41NN1234567" (where NN are two random numbers) for example "41671234567", enter the code as it is.
  • If the code starts with the number "411" for example "4111234567", enter the code as it is.
  • If the code starts with "k2" then enter in "4110" followed by the third, fourth, sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth digit. For example if the code is "k2670620000" you should enter in "4110676200".

Run a full system scan with an anti-virus utility after you have unlocked the computer.
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Symantec Trojan.Ransomlock Key Generator Tool v1.0.0Tamaño: 101.37 kB

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Symantec Trojan.Ransomlock Key Generator Tool v1.0.0 Symantec Trojan.Ransomlock Key Generator Tool v1.0.0
Tipo de licencia Freeware1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 11/01/2011
Descargas 2
Tamaño 101.37 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles English  
Sistemas operativos WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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