This is an old version of this software. You can also download v15.1 (Insengard) (latest stable version).
or v15.2 Isengard RC 1 (latest beta version).
Kodi for Mac OS X (Intel) v13.0 (Gotham) Beta 3
Originally developed as XBMP (XBox Media Player) for the first-generation Xbox game-console in 2002, XBMC eventually became a complete graphical user interface replacement for the original Xbox Dashboard, and since is has also been ported to run natively under Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating-system. This, The XBMC Project is also known as "XBMC Media Center" or simply "XBMC").
XBMC is easy to install and use, it is very convenient and flexible plus offers a great price/performance ratio. XBMC is of course also completely free of any adware or spyware.
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