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Historial de versiones para SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition (64-bit)

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Cambios para v6.9.9 - v6.9.10

  • Fixed security vulnerability TLS heartbeat read overrun (CVE-2014-0160).
  • FIX Other optimizations and bug fixes.

Cambios para v6.9.8 - v6.9.9

  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC v5.0.6.
  • NEW VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of TightVNC v2.7.10.
  • NEW Hyper-V related features have been updated with support for Windows Server 2012 / 2012 R2 and Windows 8 / 8.1
  • FIX Other optimizations and bug fixes.

Cambios para v6.9.7 - v6.9.8

  • Fixed many problems related to layout problems when running on high DPI displays, for example Surface Pro. The Prefferences window still has some minor layout issues; we will be fixing those in the next update.

Cambios para v6.9.6 - v6.9.7

  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC v5.0.5.
  • NEW VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of TightVNC v2.7.7.
  • NEW Support for DameWare Mini Remote Control v10.0.
  • FIX Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Preview compatibility fixes.
  • FIX Other optimizations and bug fixes.

Cambios para v6.9.5 - v6.9.6

  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC v5.0.3.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of TightVNC v2.6.4.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard may report that a VNC has been uninstalled but the installation remains.

Cambios para v6.9.1 - v6.9.5

  • VNC Viewer: Improved support for handling of so-called "dead" keys, for example accent key on Spanish keyboard.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC v5.0.1.
  • VNC Thumbnails view: System.OutOfMemoryException exception.
  • AMT manager crashes if an invalid hostname is entered as a remote computer address.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of TightVNC v2.5.2.
  • Added ability to link a Logon Credentials template to a Windows Credential Manager entry. (screenshot).
  • Future builds of the VNC Manager will include support for popular password managers, such as LastPast, Roboform and other.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v6.8.15 - v6.9.1

  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC v5.0.0.
  • Reset VNC Server Password Wizard: Support for RealVNC v5.

Cambios para v6.8.14 - v6.8.15

  • Windows 8 Release Preview compatibility fixes. Several other minor fixes and optimizations.

Cambios para v6.8.13 - v6.8.14

  • VNC Thumbnails View: Added ability to control remote computer’s desktops from the thumbnails view. It has been made possible to switch between View-Only and Full Control modes (screenshot)
  • VNC Thumbnails View: Increased maximum item size from 500x500px to 1440x1440px.
  • VNC and Hyper Thumbnails View: Now it's possible to add a new computer to the thumbnails view via the Quick Add control.
  • Remote Exect: When a remote task is being executed, clicking on the Cancel button may fail to stop the executing process.

Cambios para v6.8.11 - v6.8.13

  • When you attempt to close a VNC viewer tab or remove a VNC thumbnails view item that is in process of establishing connection to a remote computer, the VNC Manager no longer hangs and waits until the connection process is over.
  • VNC thumbnails view and VNC viewer: Fixed a memory leak.

Cambios para v6.8.7 - v6.8.11

Cambios para v6.8.6 - v6.8.7

  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Support for remote installation of RealVNC Enterprise 4.6.3.
  • RDP client: Added ability to enable/disable Credential Security Support Provider (enablecredsspsupport).

Cambios para v6.8.4 - v6.8.6

  • VNC Thumbnails View: Improved performance when VNC Thumbnails View has large number of items added.
  • Quick Filter: Filter Subgroups setting has been implemented for Virtual Connections
  • VNC Manager may crash with System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException.
  • Implemented Intel® AMT Power Control tool (Cold Restart, Cold Turn Off, Turn On).
  • Added "Quick Filter" to the Management and External tools lists.
  • Shutdown / Restart Computer tool has been enhanced with support for multiple threads and now resides in a modeless non-blocking window.

Cambios para v6.8.3 - v6.8.4

  • LogMeIn: Added ability to open in embedded (tabbed) or via stand-alone web browser window.
  • LogMeIn: Added ability to auto-fill login details.
  • Virtual Connections: Added Hyper-V Virtual Machine Pass-Through connection. Note: it's still possible to establish a Hyper-V connection via a registered computer. The new feature offers more user-friendly way for establishing Hyper-V connections.
  • Quick Search has been implemented for Virtual Connections items
  • Added Hyper-V Virtual Machine to the list of the supported Quick Connections
  • The LogMeIn Connection Url field does not allow entering url that contain more than 100 characters.
  • VNC Manager crashes with System.InvalidCastException.
  • Remote Tools: Duplicate tools may appear in the tools list.
  • Licensing: Registration fails to store your serial number if the Organization field is empty.

Cambios para v6.5.10 - v6.8.3

  • VNC viewer: Added support for SecureVNC v2.3 DSM plugin.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard: Information about installed VNC distribution was not stored.
  • VNC viewer: Upon establishing a connection scrollbars may not be visible.

Cambios para v6.5.9 - v6.5.10

  • UI improvements. Made scrolling throw large management tools list much more user friendly.
  • VNC viewer: When connected to an UltraVNC server running on Vista / Windows7, the Auto Reconnect feature has been fine tuned to better handle cases when UltraVNC server breaks connection upon user logoff.
  • WMI Column feature: Minor improvements have been implemented.
  • VNC Deployment Wizard fails to uninstall TightVNC 2.0.x.

Cambios para v6.5.8 - v6.5.9

  • NEW: UI improvements. Made scrolling throw large management tools list much more user friendly.

Cambios para v6.5.7 - v6.5.8

  • Connection History: Implemented ability to add and edit notes for connection events.
  • Ping Remote Computer may crash if an invalid address was entered.
  • Clicking F1 key while using built-in VNC/RDP/SSH viewer causes local help window to appear.
  • Multiple minor fixes and performance improvements.

Cambios para v6.5.6 - v6.5.7

  • Show uptime of a remote computer. This feature can be turned on/off via Tools \ Options \ Computer Status Scan \ Runtime Inventory.
  • Computer Status Updater: Several performance related improvements have been implemented.
  • NEW: Updated with support for TeamViewer 7

Cambios para v6.5.4 - v6.5.6

  • Added Password Generator tool
  • WMI Columns: Improved handling of cases when one of the WMI properties is not supported by the WMI class.
  • All Active Directory related features have been updated to being able to handle distinguished paths that contain special characters
  • RDP client: Taskbar may be visible in the Full Screen mode.

Cambios para v6.5.2 - v6.5.4

  • Remote Desktop Services Sessions Manager: Allows you to list and manage (disconnect / logoff /message) Remote Desktop Services sessions.
  • Remote Desktop Services Settings Manager: Implemented several usability improvements.
  • Registry Editor: Added ability to browse HKEY_USERS registry branch
  • In the Tools \ Options, added ability to re-order Remote Tools
  • Upon application restart VNC thumbnails view contains entries with empty names

Cambios para v6.1.7 - v6.5.2

  • NEW: Linked Active Directories: Rename, change Description and ManagedBy attributes for Organizational Units.
  • NEW: Linked Active Directories: Added CN=Computers container.
  • NEW: Ability to pass TeamViewer Partner ID and Password to an external tool. Ability to pass password can be useful if you use TeamViewer as an External Tool and want to establish a direct connection to a TeamViewer instance.
  • NEW: Team Viewer connection settings have been made "settings inheritance" aware.
  • FIX: Includes several Linked Active Directories, Settings Inheritance related and other minor fixes.

Cambios para v6.1.5 - v6.1.7

  • Dynamic Search Folders: Scanned computers ignore parent folder settings inheritance.
  • You may receive NullRefference error when you attempt to refresh an Entire Network folder.
  • Other minor fixes.

Cambios para v6.1.4 - v6.1.5

  • FIX: NullReferenceException when using VNC viewer in the full-screen mode.
  • FIX: VNC viewer: "Empty desktop size" error when accepting listening connection from or establishing connection to a TightVNC server without password set.

Cambios para v6.1.3 - v6.1.4

  • NEW: VNC viewer: Added support for sending Ctrl+Alt+Del command to a remote computer via Ctrl+Alt+End keyboard shortcut. This feature can be disabled via Tools \ Options \ Common Settings \ Built-in Remote Clients.
  • FIX: VNC viewer: Scrollbars displayed in the full screen mode when the remote screen resolution is the same as the local screen resolution.
  • FIX: Minor UI fixes.

Cambios para v6.1.2 - v6.1.3

  • NEW: VNC thumbnails view: Added ability to switch active monitor (UltraVNC only running on computers with multiple monitors).

Cambios para v6.0.34.0 - v6.1.2

  • NEW: VNC viewer: Added "Send Ctrl+Alt+Del Upon Successful Connection" setting. By default this setting is turned off. It can be enabled via Tools \ Options \ Common Settings \ Built-in Remote Clients.
  • NEW: Got rid of the "Please Wait…" modal window that was shown while Entire Network entries are being fetched.
  • NEW: Faster handling of configuration profiles with large (hundreds) number of registered computers.
  • FIX: Multiple bug fixes.

Cambios para v6.0.34.0 - v6.1.1

  • NEW: VNC viewer: Added "Send Ctrl+Alt+Del Upon Successful Connection" setting. By default this setting is turned off. It can be enabled via Tools \ Options \ Common Settings \ Built-in Remote Clients.
  • NEW: Got rid of the "Please Wait…" modal window that was shown while Entire Network entries are being fetched.
  • NEW: Faster handling of configuration profiles with large (hundreds) number of registered computers.
  • FIX: Multiple bug fixes.

Cambios para v5.5.26.0 - v6.0.34.0

  • NEW: VNC Viewer: When using the built-in VNC viewer with “screen stretch” mode enabled, you can switch between GDI and GDI+ scaling modes. The GDI+ mode delivers much nice looking results. Use Tools \ Options \ Common Settings \ Built-in Remote Clients \ VNC Viewer \ “Screen Stretch rendering engine” to switch between GDI and GDI+ screen scaling engines. Click here for more details.
  • NEW: Checking for updates through a proxy server. Use Tools \ Options \ Common Settings \ Software Updates to adjust your proxy connection settings.

Cambios para v5.5.25.0 - v5.5.26.0

  • This build includes several critical fixes and new features that have been back-ported from the v6.0 EAP branch.
  • NEW: VNC viewer has been updated to support UltraVNC and newer.
  • NEW: VNC viewer: Added support for IPv6.
  • NEW: Improved performance and responsiveness of the built-in SSH client.
  • FIX: Built-in SSH client hangs if a remote command writes data to stderr.

Cambios para v5.5.24.0 - v5.5.25.0

  • FIX: VNC viewer stability fixes

Cambios para v5.5.23.0 - v5.5.24.0

  • NEW: UltraVNC deployment package has been updated with patches fixing security advisory 2269637.
  • FIX: TightVNC 2.0.2 deployment package: When Hide Tray Icon is enabled; the deployment package sets DisableTrayIcon instead of RunControlInterface registry value.
  • FIX: Tools \ Options \ Defaults \ Default Registered Computer: "Default connection type" resets to VNC.
  • FIX: Reset Registered Computer Settings: Clicking the OK button results in the application crash.

Cambios para v5.5.22.1 - v5.5.23.0

  • FIX: VNC viewer: When using non-English keyboard layout some characters may appear as question marks.
  • FIX: You may receive System.ArgumentException exception when you attempt to open registered computer properties sheet window.
  • FIX: VNC Deployment Wizard: “DSM Plug-in \ Encryption Connection using” combo box resets to None when using saved deployment job.

Cambios para v5.5.22.0 - v5.5.22.1

  • FIX: UI fixes.

Cambios para v5.5.21.0 - v5.5.22.0

  • FIX: Last Used IP column fails to sort IP addresses properly.
  • FIX: You may receive System.NullReferenceException at ThreadPool.ThreadPoolManager when you close the main window when dynamic search folder scan is being performed.
  • FIX: You may receive System.IndexOutOfRangeException while Dynamic Search Folder scan is being performed.
  • FIX: You may receive System.ArgumentException exception when you attempt to close External Tools properties window.

Cambios para v5.5.14.0 - v5.5.21.0

  • NEW: New method of fetching logged on users. The new method can fetch users even if the client and the remote computer are members of different domains or workgroups. More info...
  • NEW: VNC viewer: Ability to establish connection encrypted with SecureVNC plug-in. More info...
  • NEW: VNC Deployment Wizard: Ability to configure SecureVNC plugin settings and deploy SecureVNC keys.
  • NEW: UltraVNC deployment package: SecureVNC plugin has been updated to v2.2.4.0
  • NEW: VNC Thumbnails View: Ability to switch monitor for thumbnail items that are connected to UltraVNC server running on a computer with multiple displays.
  • FIX: You may receive ArgumentOutOfRange exception when attempt to editing VNC quick deployment settings.

Cambios para v5.5.12.0 - v5.5.14.0

  • NEW: Remote Exec: Improved error diagnostic when using "psexec like" method.
  • FIX: VNC viewer handles mouse clicks incorrectly if Chinese, Japanese or Korean language is set as the default input method.
  • FIX: Incudes the latest build of Infragistics NetAdvantage which is supposed include a fix for the "System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid" error.

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