Historial de versiones para TV-Browser for Mac OS X
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Cambios para v3.3.3 - v3.4
- The new version 3.4 of TV-Browser brings many new features that were often suggested like showing of program numbers or yers on our to do list. TV-Browser 3.4 makes it easy to install new icon themes directly in TV-Browser. The Favorites can be viewed filtered and can be created as filter themself.
- TV-Browser 3.4 also fixes bugs so it will run even better than the previous version. We suggest to update to TV-Browser 3.4 as soon as possible, to profit from the new features an bug fixes.
Cambios para v3.3.2 - v3.3.3
- TV-Browser 3.3.3 fixes bugs of the previous version and brings a lot of small improvements. So expect better stability and better user experience with TV-Browser 3.3.3.
Cambios para v3.3.1 - v3.3.2
- TV-Browser 3.3.2 mainly fixes bugs of the previous version of TV-Browser but also brings some small improvements. It's recommended to install this update if you experienced problems with the Reminder of TV-Browser.
Cambios para v3.3 - v3.3.1
- All is new for TV-Browser. TV-Browser 3.3.1 fixes problems of the previous version and ships with a better mouse action support. Now it will be possible to add more mouse actions to get quick access to needed functions. You should now be able to start TV-Browser with Java 6 under Windows again.
- A list with all changes can be found here: http://tvbrowser.org:8080/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10230
Cambios para v3.2.1 - v3.3
- TV-Browser brings new languages with version 3.3. Added were Croatian and Greek. Since TV-Browser 3.3 it is possible to install additional languages in the settings of TV-Browser.
- Date separators were added for better orientation in the program lists of the plugins. Bugs of the previous version were fixed and the third party libraries were updated. This can cause older plugins to cease function. Updates are available for plugins that are provided by the TV-Browser team.
Cambios para v3.1 - v3.2.1
- TV-Browser speeds up. Older versions of TV-Browser were heavily troubled with a huge number of Favorite programs, so it went a little bit on the slow side. That's an issue of the past with TV-Browser 3.2.1. The speed when using with tabs was also improved and you can use the tree view in a tab. TV-Browser 3.2.1 can join two channels that are side by side in the program table if the data provider enabled it or the channels have separate time restrictions. TV-Browser 3.2.1 also fixes bugs, one severe that could have destroyed your filter component list when a plugin was deleted or disabled was also fixed.
- Data provider can add more than one country to a channel, so for instance the channel 3sat can be filtered in TV-Browser for Germany and Swiss also beside the current filter for Austria.
Cambios para v3.1 - v3.2 Beta 2
- TV-Browser 3.2beta2 fixes bugs of the first beta version of TV-Browser 3.2. It also contains new features like a new toolbar for the program info dialog and better support for the GTK+ and Nimbus look and feel
- There will be no news for additional test versions but you will get news for the final version.
Cambios para v3.1 RC 2 - v3.1
- TV-Browser is becoming colorful. To Halloween, Christmas, season or any other event, TV-Browser 3.1 can look fitting for the own taste with support of Personas. For all that like it classical the old GUI is still available.
- The program table will look more like the selected LookAndFeel theme with TV-Browser 3.1. How TV-Browser can look you can see here ( http://wiki.tvbrowser.org/index.php/Designvorschl%C3%A4ge ).
- For easy handling and installing of new Personas the plugin PersonaHandler can be installed with the plugin download of TV-Browser. For those who only want to select the used Persona or to disable the Personas look at the graphical settings of TV-Browser.
- Additional TV-Browser 3.1 fixes bugs and contains the new find as you type feature for search of program at the showing day.
- For your information again, TV-Browser 3.1 also is shipped without the most plugins. All plugins are easy installable with the plugin download of TV-Browser.
Cambios para v3.0.2 - v3.1 Beta 1
- Adds support for Personas of Mozilla Firefox
- New FindAsYouType bar that allows to search the day program quickly
Cambios para v3.0.2 RC1 - v3.0.2
- TV-Browser is Plugin based, so most functions are done with installable components (Plugins). This includes the Plugins for the TV data.
- Because everybody needs different function, TV-Browser 3.0.2 will not contain the most Plugins that were delivered with TV-Browser in the past. You can easily install the needed Plugins with the download function of TV-Browser. Additional for the meantime there will be a Plugin package that can be downloaded and installed with Drag'n'Drop in the program table, that contains all Plugins that were delivered with TV-Browser in the past. But no rule without exception, the News plugin will still be delivered with TV-Browser so you can receive News about TV-Browser. Besides that the four basic Plugins Favorites, Reminders, Program info and Search are also contained in TV-Browser.
- You will find other Plugins in the internal download function of TV-Browser, that weren't delivered in the past, so you mind find some of them useful.
- TV-Browser 3.0.2 contains some new features like the new filter dialog or the entering of access informations to data in the settings assistant.
Cambios para v3.0 - v3.0.1
- TV-Browser 3.0.1 fixes a problem with the data import of TV-Browser 3.0 from version 2.7.6
Cambios para v3.0 RC 1 - v3.0 RC 2
- It mostly fixes errors of TV-Browser 3.0 RC1.
Cambios para v3.0 Beta 2 - v3.0 RC 1
- It mostly fixes errors of TV-Browser 3.0beta2 but also contains some improvements to make the upgrade from TV-Browser 2.7.5 easier.
Cambios para v2.7.5 - v3.0 Beta 2
- Presentation: The program table shows tool tips. They show which Plugin has highlighted the program, when the program ends and more
- Clear arrangement: Long tiltle are shorten, the default information are shorter, the column width was optimized and more. Of course you are able to change this behavior.
- State of the art: Changes for Java 6, Java 7, OpenJDK, Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10
- Integration: TV-Browser is now better integrated in the different platforms, so shortcuts, naming, menu position, color or other details will fit much better.
- Performance: This version is also faster (and saves memory) than the previous version and that despite the new features.
Cambios para v2.7.5 - v2.7.6
- it fixes mostly a bug in the tray menu with Java 6 Update 23.
Cambios para v2.7.4 - v2.7.5
- TV-Browser 2.7.5 fixes one major and a few minor bugs. The major bug could prevent the german tv shows to be listed in the installation wizard.
- TVB-748 Add new Main-Mirror-Server
- TVB-747 Choose tvbrowser.org if no Mirror is available on the first start of tvbrowser
- TVB-664 Calendar Export for Apple iCal stopped working under Snow Leopard
- TVB-662 Defect window settings prevent TV-Browser shutdown
Cambios para v2.7.2 - v2.7.3
- Bug
- [TVB-435] - Table-Background Path under Mac is in .app-File
- [TVB-470] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in GenresPlugin
- [TVB-473] - Threads in FavoritesPlugin can cause crash
- [TVB-484] - Desktop entry in Ubuntu package shows TV-Bowser instead of TV-Browser
- [TVB-508] - 64 bit Java is not found automatically
- [TVB-510] - Tray icon causes showing of Windows Taskbar, blinking effect of TV-Browser in Windows Taskbar
- [TVB-516] - TV-Browser can be closed during data update
- [TVB-517] - Channel icons are downloaded each data update
- [TVB-512] - Already existing logos are downloaded again when updating
- Improvement
- [TVB-491] - ExpertFavorites dialog also usable on screens with small height
- New Feature
- [TVB-504] - Receive English news
Cambios para v2.7.2 - v2.7.3 Beta
- Bug
- [TVB-435] - Table-Background Path under Mac is in .app-File
- [TVB-470] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in GenresPlugin
- [TVB-473] - Threads in FavoritesPlugin can cause crash
- [TVB-484] - Desktop entry in Ubuntu package shows TV-Bowser instead of TV-Browser
- [TVB-508] - 64 bit Java is not found automatically
- [TVB-510] - Tray icon causes showing of Windows Taskbar, blinking effect of TV-Browser in Windows Taskbar
- [TVB-516] - TV-Browser can be closed during data update
- [TVB-517] - Channel icons are downloaded each data update
- Improvement
- [TVB-491] - ExpertFavorites dialog also usable on screens with small height
Cambios para v2.7.2 RC 3 - v2.7.2
- [TVB-389] - NPE in General settings
- [TVB-390] - Description text of TvBrowserDataService with html tags in Info dialog
- [TVB-392] - Global plugin exports didn't work for new created expert Favorites
- [TVB-395] - Filter for favorites sometime disappear
- [TVB-396] - Plugins should not be informed about third party changed programs until TV-Browser start is finished
- [TVB-398] - Search field cannot be used with context menu insert
- [TVB-404] - ClassCastException in marker dialog
- [TVB-415] - Deleting table entry with keyboard didn't work
- [TVB-420] - Plugin configure context menu didn't work on sub menu button actions in toolbar
- [TVB-424] - Setting files of the plugins mustn't written parallel
- [TVB-436] - Empty tool tips in channel lists
- [TVB-437] - Subscribed channel list doesn't scroll during Drag'n'Drop
- [TVB-441] - 4:3 format information is too small in program info
- [TVB-442] - Scrolling in format filter component setting with mouse wheel to slow
- [TVB-446] - Update dialog is not shown on empty table if filter other than all filter is used
- [TVB-448] - Day selection didn't work if mouse is moved after clicking of left mouse button
- [TVB-452] - ConcurrentModificationException in TV-Brower data service
- [TVB-453] - folders disappears on moving with buttons
- [TVB-456] - Reminder Icon and Highlight are removed after a data update
- [TVB-394] - Make some adjustments to support Nimbus LookAndFeel
- [TVB-428] - Removed need for installer under mac os
- [TVB-429] - Add possibility to add Themepacks and Icons to User-Diretory
- [TVB-454] - create deb package for easy Ubuntu installation
- [TVB-460] - Don't show context menu under mouse
Cambios para v2.7.2 RC 1 - v2.7.2 RC 3
- Bug:
- [TVB-448] - Day selection didn't work if mouse is moved after clicking of left mouse button
- [TVB-452] - ConcurrentModificationException in TV-Brower data service
- [TVB-453] - folders disappears on moving with buttons
- Improvement:
- [TVB-454] - create deb package for easy Ubuntu installation
Cambios para v2.7.2 Beta - v2.7.2 RC 1
- [TVB-428] - Removed need for installer under mac os
- [TVB-429] - Add possibility to add Themepacks and Icons to User-Diretory
Cambios para v2.7.1 - v2.7.2 Beta
- Bug:
- [TVB-389] - NPE in General settings
- [TVB-390] - Description text of TvBrowserDataService with html tags in Info dialog
- [TVB-392] - Global plugin exports didn't work for new created expert Favorites
- [TVB-395] - Filter for favorites sometime disappear
- [TVB-396] - Plugins should not be informed about third party changed programs until TV-Browser start is finished
- [TVB-398] - Search field cannot be used with context menu insert
- [TVB-404] - ClassCastException in marker dialog
- [TVB-415] - Deleting table entry with keyboard didn't work
- [TVB-420] - Plugin configure context menu didn't work on sub menu button actions in toolbar
- [TVB-424] - Setting files of the plugins mustn't written parallel
- Improvement:
- [TVB-394] - Make some adjustments to support Nimbus LookAndFeel
Cambios para v2.7.1 Beta - v2.7.1 RC 1
- [TVB-374] - Make new favorite program dialog not modal
- [TVB-367] - Some programs not marked correct after data update
- [TVB-373] - Time of day background style didn't work on startup/cannot be selected in setup
- [TVB-375] - TimeZone was wrong
Cambios para v2.7 - v2.7.1 Beta
- Bug
- [TVB-148] - Time button list is not repainted on adding new button
- [TVB-289] - StackOverflowError after mouse click to open program viewer
- [TVB-292] - Text of menus in program info dialog disapears
- [TVB-316] - Little Bugs with handling of external application calls
- [TVB-319] - Translation of dates (months, weekdays) is missing
- [TVB-320] - Programs after midnight in other time zones are not shown
- [TVB-321] - Not shown foreground of programs in tray under Ubuntu
- [TVB-322] - Not listed programs in favorite dialog under Ubuntu
- [TVB-324] - Ratingplugin has selected values in comboboxes
- [TVB-330] - Setting a reminder before midnight gives only options to remind for the time before midnight
- [TVB-331] - Waltons is displayed in the description dialog if clicked to fast after the start
- [TVB-333] - vCal files are saved as ics files
- [TVB-334] - NPE in Marked programs list on startup
- [TVB-335] - Cancel() is not called for plugin settings tabs, even if they are cancelable
- [TVB-341] - Program table does not update left hour pane
- [TVB-344] - Exception in ProgramList
- [TVB-345] - wrong keyword SEQUENZ in calendar export
- [TVB-352] - Favorite list scrolls sometime not to the first not expired programs
- [TVB-356] - Exception on getting parent frame
- [TVB-359] - Growl-Plugin does not work
- [TVB-360] - Exception during favorite import
- [TVB-361] - Apple iCal export is enabled on non MacOS
- [TVB-365] - channel name and program title have no gap in tray menu
- [TVB-366] - Not all favorites are found sometime
- [TVB-367] - Some programs not marked correct after data update
- [TVB-368] - ScrollBar of info dialog sometime at the last position on opening new program info
- [TVB-371] - Configuration button is disabled for internal plugins
- [TVB-372] - Escape dot in actor name search
- Improvement
- [TVB-317] - Delay auto update for selectable seconds
- [TVB-326] - Create compact time block layout with running programs showing details
- [TVB-327] - Better calculaction of time jump position for long programs
- [TVB-328] - Show details for more programs if space is available in optimized compact time block layout
- [TVB-329] - Don't remove new programs for new exclusion in new program dialog
- [TVB-332] - Add current Version Number to .app-File info.plist
- [TVB-340] - Use threads in Favorite update
- [TVB-350] - Change default value for picture showing
- [TVB-351] - Change some labels
- [TVB-353] - Change default program table layout to optimized time block layout
- [TVB-354] - Performance improvement for matching favorites
- [TVB-357] - have menu item to print queue from program context menu
- [TVB-364] - Allow longer program duration in end time calculation
- [TVB-369] - Change color scheme for new TV-Browser user
Cambios para v2.7 RC2 - v2.7
- [TVB-5] - Windows: Tray-Icon taucht nach Explorer-Crash nicht mehr auf
- [TVB-47] - Plugins can be started twice from the tray menu
- [TVB-50] - Plugin-Icons are not removed if plugin is deactivated
- [TVB-52] - Favorite list in favorite manager not updated on exclusion by title
- [TVB-53] - Calendar export file names are cut after special character
- [TVB-57] - Separator in toolbar cannot be removed from first position
- [TVB-65] - program panel does not shrink after program changes
- [TVB-105] - Lots of favorite programs are lost on changing timezone
- [TVB-111] - Menu item for "update" is not reset after no update was possible
- [TVB-119] - channel labels are not correctly updated in fullscreen mode
- [TVB-120] - Selecting is set wrongly after deletion of favorite
- [TVB-129] - Plugintree-Renderer has problems with HTML-Renering
- [TVB-130] - NPE in Programtable
- [TVB-135] - genre filter is not stored correctly in some cases
- [TVB-137] - NPE in TVDataBaseUpdater
- [TVB-140] - Radiotimes added linebreaks to the data, the plugin doesn't recognize this corretly
- [TVB-142] - NPE in dreambox service
- [TVB-148] - Time button list is not repainted on adding new button
- [TVB-150] - No output from execution of external processes is shown
- [TVB-155] - Time button panel is not updated when it isn't visible
- [TVB-156] - Filter component settings are not updatet on selecting a filter component
- [TVB-157] - Remove Classes with wrong license
- [TVB-159] - ShowView calculation didn't work
- [TVB-161] - highlighting program on double click in plugin tree does not work if that program has other date than displayed
- [TVB-166] - Favorite with empty title
- [TVB-181] - View setting in program table affects channel list
- [TVB-187] - Ctrl-F does not work in program info
- [TVB-192] - "TV-Browser already running" message not with current look and feel
- [TVB-207] - Fixed Hight-Calculation of Dialog
- [TVB-211] - Plugin tree not updated for plugins which are activated after TV-Browser start
- [TVB-213] - search theme icon in specified directory first instead of iterating directories
- [TVB-214] - Repetition search findes bRANdenburg if it searches for ran
- [TVB-221] - do not update favorites at midnight
- [TVB-222] - Wrong time string shown for programs between 2 - 3 am on summer time switch
- [TVB-227] - country of locale was not used
- [TVB-231] - IllegalArgumentException when opening "ProgramTable" in the settings dialog
- [TVB-245] - Java 6 has no support for Cocoa, but growl uses it for communication
- [TVB-246] - Copyright notice in program table sometimes painted in disabled text color
- [TVB-247] - Programs disapear sometimes from data if they have to be kept
- [TVB-249] - Update channel list does not check for internet availability
- [TVB-250] - cursor down key in channel settings leads to unwanted scrolling
- [TVB-251] - removing time buttons does not update the respective main menu
- [TVB-263] - Nullpointer in Show Prewview of Parameter System
- [TVB-265] - Fixt junit tests
- [TVB-266] - Channel storing had wrong version number
- [TVB-272] - Calculation of line width should not include the last, not yet included, space
- [TVB-276] - Fix Nullpointer in Icon fetching of Channellist, if icon can't be loaded, don't try it several times
- [TVB-286] - SoftwareUpdateItem - Wrong language
- [TVB-287] - Deinstaller possible deletes other applications
- [TVB-289] - StackOverflowError after mouse click to open program viewer
- [TVB-290] - Channel logos are lost
- [TVB-291] - Beanshell Filter doesn't work properly
- [TVB-292] - Text of menus in program info dialog disapears
- [TVB-293] - Remember user channel name even if data plugin was deactivated
- [TVB-294] - Wrong Encoding in ofdb web search
- [TVB-295] - After an update all reminds of coming programs appear again.
- [TVB-296] - Date is not shown in tree
- [TVB-298] - Removed channel changes exclusion with that channel
- [TVB-300] - Programs scheduled with Recording control through a website are not marked as scheduled
- [TVB-295] - After an update all reminds of coming programs appear again.
- [TVB-308] - Program table scrolls randomly to now on it's own
- [TVB-318] - Timezone of australian channels wrong
- [TVB-309] - Categories are not used in one channel constructor
- [TVB-312] - Error if using actor search from Sendungsinfo-Betrachter with a space as last sign
- [TVB-313] - Search repetitions dialog layout destroyed for very long titles
- [TVB-314] - Other favorite programs can only be opened once for details in program info
- [TVB-315] - Maximized state is not restored from tray under KDE
- [TVB-1] - Only check changed program items during favorite search
- [TVB-2] - Store data in a single file
- [TVB-24] - Open program info with single click
- [TVB-49] - show title in tree view nodes, if not all nodes have the same title
- [TVB-54] - Have option to start TV-Browser from last page of installer
- [TVB-55] - Initial width of plugin tree and channel selection is bad
- [TVB-59] - show no sub menu if only one search engine is enabled
- [TVB-68] - Show problem reason in I18N plugin for blue (wrongly formatted translation) as text
- [TVB-74] - No actor links if text is long
- [TVB-77] - Autoclose-time in reminder should be shown in minutes or hours for big times
- [TVB-79] - show "today" and "tomorrow"
- [TVB-110] - Show Dataservice in Channel-Subscription Dialog
- [TVB-121] - Unify actor search and regex search for easier refactoring of favorites system
- [TVB-122] - Improve speed of regular expression search during favorite updates
- [TVB-123] - Too unspecific BBC Radio Channel URLs
- [TVB-124] - recognize TV and radio channels with BBC service
- [TVB-125] - Use buffered access for reading TV data files
- [TVB-126] - improve speed of favorite tree and program list
- [TVB-128] - performance of plugin tree still bad with lots of unrated favorites
- [TVB-133] - Data-Plugin: add Cancel-Pressed-Information
- [TVB-134] - Add Filter for payed Services
- [TVB-136] - Have more precise settings to configure shown date span of genres
- [TVB-139] - Add function to generate short description in MutableProgram
- [TVB-141] - Update TV rating database after TV-Browser start for better performance
- [TVB-149] - Improve Speed of Channel Loading
- [TVB-151] - Rename TV Dataservices in the Settingspanel to "TV-Data Plugins"
- [TVB-152] - Compare Channels using toLowerCase() in Channellist
- [TVB-153] - defer plugin icon loading for disabled plugins to improve startup time
- [TVB-154] - reminder creation: show only times shorter than time to program start
- [TVB-158] - filter null actor fields
- [TVB-160] - Add "show Channel in Mediaplayer" to Dreambox-Driver
- [TVB-162] - Change plugin activation calling order
- [TVB-164] - Add croatian channels using gonix.net
- [TVB-167] - Add ability to show the channel list on the left side
- [TVB-168] - reduce memory usage of ratings database
- [TVB-169] - reduce memory usage of plugin tree
- [TVB-170] - defer initialization of seldomly used properties to save memory
- [TVB-172] - speed up icon loading
- [TVB-173] - use low thread priority for all background threads to improve startup and response times
- [TVB-174] - Show yesterday instead of the date for yesterday programs
- [TVB-177] - remove channel icons from memory if not needed
- [TVB-178] - Create call of the static method preInstancing() for plugins
- [TVB-182] - Global exclusion for Favorites
- [TVB-183] - avoid redefinition of standard localization messages by checking for duplicates
- [TVB-184] - catch all exceptions of data service implementations in the data service proxy
- [TVB-189] - Changeable background color of program table
- [TVB-190] - Create button action interface for internal plugins
- [TVB-194] - Better usability of the plugin update dialog
- [TVB-195] - use plugin name fpr plugin settings tree instead of settingsTab.getName()
- [TVB-199] - Use Tango icon "favorite" for favorites plugin
- [TVB-200] - Accept marginal title change of marked programs as not changed program
- [TVB-201] - Show removed programs after data update
- [TVB-202] - easier channel icon selection in channel settings dialog
- [TVB-203] - Show episode info in tooltip of tray programs
- [TVB-204] - use bigger channel icons in some places of the program
- [TVB-206] - Define return values for recording control
- [TVB-215] - cache font metrics in program table to avoid recalculation
- [TVB-219] - Add filter exclusion to favorite exclusion possibilities
- [TVB-220] - typos in source files
- [TVB-224] - Add .desktop-File
- [TVB-225] - Show running programs in important tray menu if running programs menu is disabled
- [TVB-226] - Add HD-Icon
- [TVB-228] - Change Channelname system to utf8
- [TVB-229] - Check if Calendar Item is already available in google calendar
- [TVB-232] - Add Dialog that explains the Plugin-System
- [TVB-233] - Additional program categories
- [TVB-237] - Repetition Search should change order of channels in dialog
- [TVB-240] - sort properties in exported translation files
- [TVB-241] - Ability to search for text in the translations
- [TVB-242] - Add Timeout settings for dreambox connection
- [TVB-244] - have only currently used localization in memory (no default localization)
- [TVB-255] - Episode Number in Parametersystem
- [TVB-259] - Recognize also colon as separator between actor and role
- [TVB-260] - Better arrangement of actor list in special cases
- [TVB-261] - DontShowAgainMessageBox for Plugins
- [TVB-264] - filter javascript in program view
- [TVB-269] - Hide "No Genre"
- [TVB-274] - Timeout for mirrorupdater connection to mirror should be increased
- [TVB-278] - Update to new b2evolution
- [TVB-281] - LicenseBox should render HTML instead of ugly text
- [TVB-297] - Remove markings by plugin
- [TVB-257] - TimeSynchronous Layout should display programs with same time at same height
- [TVB-273] - Ignore spaces when showing Dataservice in Channel-Subscription Dialog
- [TVB-301] - Use a separate icon for tray
- [TVB-310] - Show date for yesterday, today and tomorrow too
- [TVB-28] - maxlength in Parameter-System
- [TVB-44] - Add TheTube to Recorder Controll
- [TVB-60] - have selectable font color for program table
- [TVB-61] - have option to disable advanced web search menu items
- [TVB-66] - Make actor links configurable
- [TVB-101] - Mark calendar exported programs
- [TVB-109] - Add global System for Ratings of movie/shows
- [TVB-131] - Dreambox-Dataservice
- [TVB-132] - Add getProgramFrame() and handleTvBrowserStartFinished to DataPlugins
- [TVB-146] - Add norway dataservice to swedb
- [TVB-147] - Add Schedulesdirect.org Dataservice
- [TVB-163] - Give data services the possibility to decide when to update TV-data
- [TVB-171] - Change Color of Font in Programtable
- [TVB-175] - recognize empty channel list in DataHydra plugin
- [TVB-176] - Add posibility to save window position and size central for all windows
- [TVB-179] - Add support for building nightly versions
- [TVB-186] - Wirschauen.de - Plugin
- [TVB-188] - use a String pool for equal dynamically created Strings
- [TVB-191] - New plugin for showing all important programs
- [TVB-193] - show a message how to use own icons after adding a channel with no icon
- [TVB-196] - Add context menu and toolbar support for TvDataServices
- [TVB-197] - have ability to jump to previous/next week
- [TVB-198] - Create time block layout for program table
- [TVB-205] - have settings table for data services similar to plugin settings
- [TVB-208] - Add Unix-Time to possible parameters
- [TVB-209] - have option in time filter to show programs running at filter start time
- [TVB-210] - show top rated programs in plugin tree view
- [TVB-217] - have ability to invoke standard search from repetition search dialog
- [TVB-218] - Title filter for Reminder list dialog
- [TVB-223] - have ability to refine any (programmatically started) search
- [TVB-235] - Random auto data download
- [TVB-238] - Add Rotten Tomatoes
- [TVB-239] - show name of favorite in program info dialog
- [TVB-248] - Show Finish Dialog after Data Update is finished
- [TVB-271] - New program field "Production Company"
- [TVB-270] - Remove native tray code
- [TVB-275] - create new build task for optional plugins (imdb, wirschauen, ...)
Cambios para v2.7 RC 1 - v2.7 RC2
- Bug:
- [TVB-309] - Categories are not used in one channel constructor
- [TVB-312] - Error if using actor search from Sendungsinfo-Betrachter with a space as last sign
- [TVB-313] - Search repetitions dialog layout destroyed for very long titles
- [TVB-314] - Other favorite programs can only be opened Once for details in program info
- [TVB-315] - Maximized state is not restored from tray under KDE
- Improvement:
- [TVB-310] - Show date for yesterday, today and tomorrow too
Cambios para v2.7 Beta 2 - v2.7 RC 1
- Bug:
- [TVB-295] - After an update all reminds of coming programs appear again.
- [TVB-308] - Program table scrolls randomly to now on it's own
- Improvement:
- [TVB-257] - TimeSynchronous Layout should display programs with same time at same height
- [TVB-273] - Ignore spaces when showing Dataservice in Channel-Subscription Dialog
- [TVB-301] - Use a separate icon for tray
Cambios para v2.6.3 - v2.7 Beta 2
- [TVB-286] - SoftwareUpdateItem - Wrong language
- [TVB-287] - Deinstaller possible deletes other applications
- [TVB-289] - StackOverflowError after mouse click to open program viewer
- [TVB-290] - Channel logos are lost
- [TVB-291] - Beanshell Filter doesn't work properly
- [TVB-292] - Text of menus in program info dialog disapears
- [TVB-293] - Remember user channel name even if data plugin was deactivated
- [TVB-294] - Wrong Encoding in ofdb web search
- [TVB-295] - After an update all reminds of coming programs appear again.
- [TVB-296] - Date is not shown in tree
- [TVB-298] - Removed channel changes exclusion with that channel
- [TVB-300] - Programs scheduled with Recording control through a website are not marked as scheduled
- [TVB-297] - Remove markings by plugin