Historial de versiones para QuiteRSS
<<Regresar a la descripción del programa
Cambios para v0.19.3 - v0.19.4
- Added: Share. Viber, Telegram
- Added: Support Media-RSS
- Added: Switch focus from search when pressing Esc
- Changed: Qt 5.13.2 (Windows)
- Changed: Lock headline news while scrolling content
- Changed: Hide directories when searching in feeds
- Fixed: Application crash (Windows)
- Fixed: Support High DPI (Windows)
- Fixed: Webkit. Create empty directories on drive "C" (Windows)
- Fixed: Some news links do not have a scheme ("http")
- Fixed: Dark App Style. Setting background color and text color for labels
- Fixed: Dark App Style. Setting background color of alternative rows
- Fixed: Updating some feeds
- Fixed: Collapse of news description
Cambios para v0.19.2 - v0.19.3
- Changed: Qt 5.14.0 (Windows)
- Changed: SQLite 3.31.1
- Changed: App style: dark
- Fixed: Application crash (Linux)
Cambios para v0.19.1 - v0.19.2
- Added: App style: dark
- Fixed: Problems with msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll (Windows)
- Fixed: Images are not displayed in some feeds
- Fixed: Sometimes news filter did not work when updating feeds
Cambios para v0.18.12 - v0.19.1
- Changed: Qt 5.13.2 (Windows)
- Changed: OpenSSL 1.1.1d (Windows)
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds
- Version 0.19.0 (15 Nov 2019)
- Main: Switch to Qt 5.13
- Main: Embedded browser - WebKit 602.1
- Added: Calendar to avoid downloading old new
- Changed: SQLite 3.30.1
- Removed: Share. Google+
- Fixed: Description of some feeds
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds
Cambios para v0.18.11 - v0.18.12
- Added: Share. Hacker News
- Changed: Support for Qt 5.11 (Linux)
- Changed: High DPI support
- Changed: SQLite 3.24.0
- Fixed: Downloading feeds' icons for some feeds
Cambios para v0.18.10 - v0.18.11
- Added: Notifications. Option "Close notification after opening news"
- Added: Support for Youtube feeds
- Changed: SQLite 3.23.1
- Changed: OpenSSL 1.0.2o (Windows)
- Changed: Folder property. Option "RTL" for all feeds in folder
Cambios para v0.18.8 - v0.18.9
- Changed: SQLite 3.21.0
- Changed: Displaying news is no more than width of window
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds (RDF)
- Fixed: Resetting news list columns when switching between feeds
Cambios para v0.18.5 - v0.18.8
- Fixed: "Show Unread" news filter was not working
- Version 0.18.7 (23 Aug 2017)
- Added: Share. Reddit, Instapaper
- Changed: SQLite 3.20.0
- Changed: Displaying icon in system tray
- Fixed: Copying folder properties when adding feed
- Fixed: Duplicated news without headings
- Fixed: Share. Email (Linux)
- Fixed: Application crash when open browser tab and layout switching
- Fixed: Sometimes regular expressions in filters did not work
- Fixed: Some content links of the news description has no "http" schema
- Version 0.18.6 (20 Jun 2017)
- Changed: SQLite 3.19.3
- Fixed: Displaying dialogs in mode "Stay on top"
- Fixed: Mark displayed news as read when switching feeds
Cambios para v0.18.4 - v0.18.5
- Changed: SQLite 3.19.1
- Changed: OpenSSL 1.1.0f (Windows)
- Changed: Application icon size
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds
- Fixed: Switching between feeds in Newspaper view
- Fixed: Layout in Newspaper view
- Fixed: Notification. Displaying of previous news
Cambios para v0.18.3 - v0.18.4
- Changed: Mouse buttons settings of opening news is removed
- Changed: SQLite librari is updated to 3.11.1 version
- Fixed: msvcr120.dll troubles (Windows)
- Fixed: Application crash while using some shortcuts
- Fixed: Images are not displayed in some feeds
- Fixed: Folder properties does not display "Columns" tab
Cambios para v0.18.2 - v0.18.3
Cambios para v0.17.4 - v0.17.5
- Added: Button "Clean Up"
- Fixed: Application crash
Cambios para v0.17.3 - v0.17.4
- Added: Saving SSL Certificates
- Fixed: Application crash
Cambios para v0.17.2 - v0.17.3
- Fixed: Application crash
- Fixed: Enable option "Stay on top"
- Fixed: Operating with Cookies
Cambios para v0.17.1 - v0.17.2
- Added: Save page as HTML in "newspaper" mode
- Added: Option to display notification on same as QuiteRSS display (option value: -1)
- Added: SSL-certificate check
- Added: Language: Bulgarian
- Changed: Drag links from embedded browser to Firefox
- Fixed: Displaying main menu when using several monitors
- Fixed: Value inversion of the transparent option of notifications
- Fixed: Updating some feeds (server returns 302)
- Fixed: Displaying control buttons in newspaper view when images are disabled
- Fixed: Dragging several feeds at once
- Fixed: Determine home page of some feeds
- Fixed: Displaying notifications (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Opening links in external browser (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Feed list navigation (Mac OS)
Cambios para v0.17.0 - v0.17.1
- Added: Button and shortcut to switch layout
- Added: Ability to delete news in newspaper layout
- Added: News list search: "Find in links"
- Added: Ability to choose monitor to display notifications
- Added: Notification transparency option
- Added: Notification text and background colors options
- Added: Notification option "Show when main window is inactive"
- Added: Additional options for notification layout
- Added: Scroll by page shortcuts in embedded browser
- Changed: Retain search text while switching feed
- Changed: Show deleted news number after clean up wizard
- Changed: Multi-select behavior in news list
- Fixed: Host-name absence in some feed links
- Fixed: Inactive filters with "Link" field and "is" condition
- Fixed: Update of the feeds which last update date is 1970
- Fixed: Occasional error of restoring feed list columns length
Cambios para v0.16.1 - v0.17.0
- Added: The Newspaper view (View->Layout->Newspaper)
- Added: Socks5 proxy support
- Changed: News opening in external browser
- Fixed: Sorting by feed title in news list
Cambios para v0.16.0 - v0.16.1
- Added: Ability to filter news by link
- Added: Share news - LinkedIn, Blogger, Printer Friendly
- Added: Color adjustment of the feeds with disabled update
- Added: Color adjustment of the alternating rows background of the news list
- Fixed: Operating in some unix OS
- Fixed: Display all columns if the new list despite of settings
- Fixed: Parsing some feeds
- Fixed: Application crash while shutdown
Cambios para v0.15.4 - v0.16.0
- Added: Case-insensitive filters, news searching and feed sorting
- Added: Regular expressions support in user's filters
- Added: Multiselect feeds
- Added: Ability to set style table for news (Options->Feeds)
- Added: News style "Rstyle_v1.2.css"
- Added: Button "Share" in browser toolbar
- Added: Option "View->Show/Hide->Status panel"
- Added: Feed option "RTL" ("Display" tab)
- Added: Feed option "Enable JavaScript" ("Display" tab)
- Added: Ability to add action "Create backup" to toolbar
- Added: Shortcut and button "Save page to DB instead of news description"
- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Changed: Save path to folder of the last backup
- Fixed: Data loss
- Fixed: Opening links in external browser (Unix)
- Fixed: Displaying incorrect time with consideration of local time
- Fixed: Application autostart (PortableApps)
- Fixed: Processing some feeds when authorizing using cookie
Cambios para v0.15.2 - v0.15.4
- Added: Ability to create backup manually (Menu->Create backup)
- Changed: More robust operations on DB
- Changed: More robust application shutdown
- Changed: Backup operation during application update
- Changed: Dialog "About". Added path to backup folder
- Changed: Updating PortableApps-build is forbidden
- Fixed: Feed counters in feed tree
- Fixed: Default font size
- Fixed: Memory-placed DB optimization
- Version 0.15.3 (06 Apr 2014)
- Main: Support for Mac OS X platform
- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Changed: Adblock. Subscribe added
- Changed: Empty news title is substituted by part of the news description
- Fixed: Saving DB from memory to file
- Fixed: Update application (Windows)
- Fixed: Generation of the news URL
- Fixed: Opening news URL without host with external browser
- Fixed: Some feeds have no news URL
- Fixed: Notification is displayed on primary monitor
- Fixed: The path of the user style table for embedded browser doesn't save
- Fixed: Moving feed to itself
Cambios para v0.15.0 - v0.15.1
- Changed: Download manager. Displays size and time after downloading file
- Fixed: Incorrect application startup if path to database contains a "'"
- Fixed: Displays a menu bar after exit from full screen mode
- Fixed: Saving toolbar feeds
Cambios para v0.14.3 - v0.15.0
- Main: Adblock integrated
- Added: Support for feeds with local path (file://)
- Added: Embedded browser. Determining and adding feeds from web sites
- Added: Notifications. News grouping - display feeds title
- Added: Notifications. Button to delete news
- Added: Notifications. Button to mark read every news
- Added: System tray. Mane item "Mark All Feeds Read"
- Added: Option "Show close button on tab"
- Added: Tab "Information" to "About" dialog
- Added: Language: Galician
- Changed: GUI. Visual tweaks
- Changed: The process of news deletion is sorted by date of publication
- Changed: RTL-model of news for Arabic and Persian languages
- Changed: Process of displaying of the splash screen
- Fixed: Wrong codepage while importing feeds
- Fixed: Processing feeds that contains '&' symbol
- Fixed: Processing some feeds that contains 'br' tag within the news
- Fixed: Application activation after opening of the link in external browser and minimizing to tray
- Fixed: Options dialog didn't fit monitors with low resolution
- Fixed: Reset options while switching on tab that contains category
- Fixed: Application crash when open "Options" dialog if "Downloads" tab is active
- Fixed: Feed option "Disable update"
Cambios para v0.14.2 - v0.14.3
- Fixed: Application crash while exporting feeds
- Fixed: Importing feeds from opml-file failure in some cases
- Fixed: Reset zoom on switching tabs
- Fixed: Processing authorization request from proxy
- Fixed: RTL for arabic and persian
- Fixed: Creating links in news
Cambios para v0.14.1 - v0.14.2
- Added: Option "Options->Browser->Load images"
- Added: Feed option "Disable update"
- Added: Shortcuts for main browser actions
- Added: Setting for text and background colors of focused feed
- Added: Language: Finnish
- Changed: Load feed's favicon from main webpage
- Changed: Process "dc:date" while parsing feed
- Changed: Mouse gestures. Jump to news description if there is no previous page on back-action
- Changed: Address bar appearance
- Changed: Send whole new's text when share news by e-mail
- Fixed: Adding feeds that contains "amp;"
- Fixed: Parsing of some feeds
- Fixed: Action "Next unread news"
- Fixed: Recounting and displaying counters in categories tree
- Fixed: Manual run of filter when option "Store DB in memory" is disabled
- Fixed: Displaying focused feed, while switching tabs with enabled filter
- Fixed: Taking account of filter text when switching news filter
Cambios para v0.14.0 - v0.14.1
- Main: Increase application performance
- Added: Audio/video player for podcasts
- Added: User filters. Sound playing (phonon)
- Added: User filters. Highlight news in notification
- Added: Option "Hide tab panel if only one tab is opened"
- Added: Address field in browser toolbar
- Added: Display news link in status bar for 3 second while switching news
- Added: More color settings
- Changed: Close notification if all news have been read
- Changed: Store cleanup wizard settings
- Changed: If images are switched off no images are displayed in news description
- Fixed: Application crash while clicking "Customize news toolbar"
- Fixed: Application crash while using "Next unread news"
- Fixed: Can't to open feed homepage
- Fixed: Switch on next unread news even if no feed is selected
- Fixed: Mark feed read (while filter is enabled)
Cambios para v0.13.1 - v0.14.0
- Main: Increase application performance
- Main: Feed filter is case-insensitive now
- Added: Support for feeds with uTorrent-authorization
- Added: Feed filter "Show broken feeds"
- Added: Application option "Default page zoom"
- Added: User filters. Conditions for categories has been added
- Added: More shortcuts
- Added: More color settings
- Changed: GUI. Some visual tweaks
- Fixed: Application crash
- Fixed: Application crash while using JavaScript (Windows)
- Fixed: Application crash while using "Next unread news"
- Fixed: Application crash while starting by desktop shortcut
- Fixed: Tip "All feeds" while creating new filter
- Fixed: Clearing news filter on switching between feeds
- Fixed: Autoreplacement "http://" on adding feed
- Fixed: Confuse options names "Don't delete starred news", "Don't delete labeled news"
- Fixed: User filters with apostrophe didn't work
- Fixed: Files extension in save/open dialogs
- Fixed: Startup. Request file storing path, if specified path isn't found
- Version 0.13.3 (30 Aug 2013)
- Added: Option "Save DB stored in memory to file every XX minutes"
- Added: Language: Turkish
- Changed: Parsing categories (Atom)
- Changed: Focus on news after application starts
- Changed: Disabling notification disappearing by set notification delay to 0 seconds
- Fixed: Codepage while parsing feeds
- Fixed: Wrong news publish date (Atom)
- Fixed: Importing feeds containing character '&'
- Fixed: Memory leak. CPU loading is reduced
- Fixed: Import feeds into present folders
- Fixed: Creating links to attachments (Link to audio)
- Version 0.13.2 (30 Jul 2013)
- Added: Options network requests when updating feeds
- Added: Displaying status of an icon feed and in properties
- Added: Setting font Browser
- Added: Shortcuts to move page by page in the list of news
- Added: Displaying links to the comment in line with author name
- Added: Displaying categories (labels) in line with author name
- Added: Notification window: Button to mark news as read
- Added: Association QuiteRSS in unix
- Added: Language: Vietnamese
- Added: Language: Romanian
- Changed: Labels "Default" after changing the language translated (will only work for a new DB)
- Changed: Displays an error message if not found SQLite driver
- Changed: Receipt icons for feed
- Changed: Popup windows in a new tab
- Fixed: Application crash while updating feeds!
- Fixed: Application crash while context menu scrollbar in browser
- Fixed: Application crash while context menu is category tree
- Fixed: Updating some kind of feeds
- Fixed: Browser position of could change after applying settings
- Fixed: In list news would disappear pointer
- Fixed: Feeds exported file is not imported into Feedly
- Fixed: Reopening settings window from tray
- Fixed: Notification window: When open the news in an external browser, the news is not marked as read
- Fixed: Notification window: Opening news
- Fixed: In status bar is not recalculated counters
- Fixed: When switching to category of "unread" can be displayed read news
- Fixed: Wrong codepage while parsing feed
- Fixed: In some feeds was not description on feed
- Fixed: When minimizing program to the system tray, news list in categories cleared
- Fixed: When upgrading tapes in the category has not been updated news list
- Fixed: Minimize to tray by Win+M/Win+D
Cambios para v0.13.0 - v0.13.1
Cambios para v0.12.5 - v0.13.0
- Main: Increase application performance
- Added: Individual feed update interval (feed properties)
- Added: Individual columns in news list for feed (feed properties)
- Added: Download manager (Program options/Browser/Downloads)
- Added: "Undo"/"Redo" in browser text input field context menu
- Added: Notification window preview
- Added: Sort news list form main menu
- Added: Tooltip appears for feed long title
- Added: Settings for font and background colors
- Added: Display news counters in Categories
- Added: More keyboard shortcuts
- Changed: GUI. Visual tweaks
- Changed: Update feed three times on error
- Changed: Save browser page
- Changed: Search next unread news has became cyclic
- Changed: Remove "http://" prefix from column "Link"
- Changed: Mark news Read while switching between tabs
- Changed: Opening news in new/background tab
- Changed: Support RTL in news description
- Changed: Comments in sources are translated to English
- Fixed: Options "Don't delete starred news", "Don't delete labeled news" didn't store
- Fixed: News title and description displays twice
- Fixed: Some feeds didn't parse
- Fixed: Wrong codepage while parsing feed
- Fixed: Alternating row setting in news list
- Fixed: CPU high load while application shutdown
- Fixed: Application crashes while switching to next unread news in categories, where are no more unread news
Cambios para v0.12.4 - v0.12.5
- Added: Disk cache and pages cache for embedded browser
- Added: Ability sorted feeds by name ("Feeds->Sort by Name")
- Added: Option: "Simplified representation of date and time"
- Added: Options: "Don't delete starred news", "Don't delete labeled news"
- Added: Option: "Automatically collapse folders"
- Added: Option: "Run QuiteRSS at Windows startup" (Windows)
- Added: Tab context menu items: "Close tab" and "Close Other tabs"
- Added: Ability to move main toolbar (toolbar context menu->Lock toolbar)
- Added: "Link" and "Title Feed" columns in news list
- Added: Click to Flash
- Added: CSS for news (folder "style")
- Added: User style for browser
- Added: Alt+left click - opens news/link in external browser (Windows)
- Added: Simplified news find field
- Added: More buttons available for toolbar
- Added: More shortcuts
- Added: Language: Greek
- Added: Language: Chinese (Taiwan)
- Added: Language: Portuguese (Brazil)
- Changed: GUI. Visual tweaks
- Changed: Increase performance updating feeds
- Changed: Ability assign shortcuts for "Share"
- Changed: Delete folders containing feeds
- Changed: Ability to edit application styles(folder "style")
- Fixed: Mark all news read in categories
- Fixed: Focus while opening link in external browser
- Fixed: Minimize to tray on tray-click (Linux)
- Fixed: Recounting feeds count after group operations
- Fixed: Moving tab content while moving tabs
- Fixed: Deleting default buttons from toolbar
- Fixed: Application startup in Archlinux (KDE)
- Fixed: Show on top in full screen mode
- Fixed: Loop while adding/updating feed
- Fixed: Updating some feeds
- Fixed: News duplicates
- Fixed: Find next/previous feed
Cambios para v0.12.3 - v0.12.4
- Added: Feed option "Authorization"
- Added: Program option "Minimal font size in browser"
- Added: Category "Unread"
- Added: Update feed on double click
- Added: Share news: LiveJournal, Pocket, Twitter
- Added: Language: Korean
- Added: Language: Lithuanian
- Changed: GUI. Visual tweaks
- Changed: Increase performance of updating news
- Changed: Display feed's title in "Feed" column in news list
- Fixed: Application crash while dragging feeds/folders
- Fixed: Application crash while pressing SPACE in tab which contains news
- Fixed: Moving focus to tab just has been opened
- Fixed: Import feeds with deep folder's structure
- Fixed: Export feeds
- Fixed: Application crash while loading flash in embedded browser
- Fixed: Authorization
- Fixed: Show images with relative path
- Fixed: Open news with spacial chars in URL
- Fixed: Restore column's width of news list when use vertical layout
- Fixed: Using shortcuts for labels
- Fixed: Stop automatic read timer after news has marked read
- Fixed: Viewing image while flash playing (Windows)
- Fixed: Deleting folder with shortcut