Historial de versiones para NZBPlayer
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Cambios para v0.2.03 - v0.2.04 Beta
- Used a different exe packer
Cambios para v0.2.02 - v0.2.03
- NZBPlayer buttons now visible in large DPI setting.
- Added ability to resume a previously downloaded archive (via NZBEdit window).
- Updated NZBEdit.
- Tweaked nzb contents sorting rules.
Cambios para v0.1.10 - v0.2.02
- Server dependancy removed - no more 'Server Down'.
- NZBEdit - allows you to modify an NZB file before downloading its contents. Great for those NZBs that won't work (First file not rar, Erroneous File: List Empty, 2 CD nzbs etc.)
- Unraring has been optimised - this has increased the overall stability and reliability of NZBPlayer.
- Auto-arrangent has been refined again.
- An external player can now be used instead of the embedded one.
- Embedded player can be set to Always On Top.
- News panel added.
- Web browser with bookmarked NZB sites has replaced the NZBIndex.nl integrated search.
- TVNZB list has been sped up and had a progress bar added.
- The skin can now be disabled.
- Bug which sometimes made video hang in first few seconds has been fixed.
Cambios para v0.1.09 - v0.1.10
- Browse list window 'Could not connect' - fixed.
- Downloading can now be paused/resumed.
- Rar files now saved in seperate directories. The rar directory must be manually deleted when required.
Cambios para v0.1.08 - v0.1.09
- NZBPlayer now lets you play video files in a multipart rar set.
- NZB & RAR files can now be associated with the application.
- NZB & RAR files can now be dropped onto the application window.
- Option added in Settings to set the directory for extracted files.
- Link added to binsearch.info which opens an advanced search page preconfigured to return NZBPlayer compatible NZBs.