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Historial de versiones para MacYTDL

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Cambios para v1.14.3 - v1.15 Beta

  • This is a beta test release. Implementing localisation involved over 400 lines of code. So, there must be bugs I've not found. Please report any bugs on GitHub

Cambios para v1.14.2 - v1.14.3

  • FFmpeg update/install fix again
  • FFmpeg should now reliably install or update.
  • Users with system language set to German or Italian might notice some dialogs are translated from English. This indicates under-the-hood work to implement localization. Please send raise an issue is this causes any problems.

Cambios para v1.14.1 - v1.14.2

  • Due to an expired external CA root certificate, attempting to download the youtube-dl executable caused an error in "curl". For this release the SSL verification in curl has been suppressed. A permanent fix would involve Apple releasing an updated version of curl. For MacYTDL, the download source might be moved from to GitHub.

Cambios para v1.14 - v1.14.1

  • All dialogs should now respect dark mode settings.
  • Subtitles downloads now works when more than one format of subtitles is available for download.
  • Debugging dialog removed from “Check for MacYTDL update”.
  • Using batch functions no longer causes errors.
  • Under the hood changes to facilitate localization in a future version.

Cambios para v1.13.1 - v1.14

  • Changes to the Monitor dialog:
  • Now reports on download progress with either percentage of total or amount downloaded so far.
  • Also reports time elapsed since start of download.
  • Has been relocated to the top right hand corner of the Desktop.
  • Has smaller and realigned text to be less intrusive.
  • “Downloads” button removed.
  • Adviser dialog should no longer show error text when user chooses to download despite the error.
  • Updating the youtube-dl python script should no longer encounter an “internal server error”.
  • When an http error is reported user is advised to try again later.
  • “Operation not permitted” error when installing FFmpeg should no longer occur.
  • Was caused in certain macOS Catalina installs when the Desktop folder was protected.
  • FFmpeg is now installed from Zip file downloaded to “usr/local/bin”.
  • Utilities dialog can now install FFmpeg when it has not yet been installed.
  • Fixed anomaly in Atomic Parsley installation if user decides to install FFmpeg later on.

Cambios para v1.13 - v1.13.1

  • A single bug fix. Default downloads folder caused an error on some Macs. This release should fix that.

Cambios para v1.12.1 - v1.13

  • Successive Monitor dialogs are now positioned on the screen so that they do not completely obscure each other.
  • “Download complete” message now shows correctly for playlists.
  • Should no longer crash downloading a playlist when an item is not available.
  • The check for existing downloads should be more accurate.
  • The MacYTDL Service, Send-URL-To-MacYTDL, now only shows in web browsers.
  • The MacYTDL Service now works in Microsoft Edge.
  • Monitor dialog text is smaller to enable more to be shown on screen at same time.
  • iView single episode show downloads no longer have duplicated names (was due to series and episode name being the same).
  • The “--restrict-filenames” parameter removed from all calls to youtube-dl. Was causing problems with special characters that were needed in file names etc.
  • Monitor “Stop” function now removes partially downloaded files from playlists.
  • Monitor “Stop” function now removes partially downloaded files which have names ending in “-2”.
  • A new function added asks user what to do if download video already exists. Choices are for existing file to be deleted and a new copy downloaded; new download to have a different name; or to cancel the download.
  • The “--prefer-ffmpeg” parameter removed from all calls to youtube-dl. Was unnecessary as it’s the default and MacYTDL currently provides no alternative.
  • The “Check for MacYTDL update” function now downloads the latest version successfully.
  • MacYTDL will no longer display a notice when the download file name contains the word “warning”.
  • A new function added to check that user’s preferred file format is available for download. If not, user can ask to: download the best format available; download best format and remux to preferred format; or cancel the download.
  • The Batch file is cleared if videos were downloaded and no errors reported.
  • MacYTDL warns if any errors were reported with a download whether or not the download completed successfully.

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