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Historial de versiones para FreeFixer

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Cambios para v1.18 - v1.19

  • FreeFixer now support Windows Server 2019.
  • On Windows Server 2019 the IEPlugin now suggests to set Default_Page_URL to "res://iesetup.dll/HardAdmin.htm" if the default value has been changed.
  • Fixed bug where clicking the more-info link for "HKCU/../Default_Page_URL" returned an error.

Cambios para v1.17 - v1.18

  • Improved FreeFixer's greenlisting of files digitally signed by the following names:
  • Amazon Services LLC
  • Creative Technology Ltd
  • Intel(R) Biometric and Context Agent
  • Intel(R) Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group
  • Intel(R) Wireless Connectivity Solutions
  • Razer USA Ltd.
  • Seagate Technology LLC
  • SoftThinks
  • Trusteer
  • Validity Sensors, Inc
  • The file information pages will now show if the process is listening on a TCP or UDP port. See CDPSvc.dll as an example.
  • is now using HTTPS://
  • Whitelisted port 123 on Windows 10 and port 3540 on Windows 7 in the UDP Listening Ports scan result.
  • Memory usage improvements when FreeFixer scans for recently modified or created files.

Cambios para v1.15 - v1.16

  • Added "Browse..." button for the FreeFixer File Nuker located under the Tools tab. You can still copy/paste or type the full path to the file you want to remove.
  • Updated FreeFixer's whitelist of trusted companies/signer names with 85 new entries. Examples of new entries: "AMD PMP-PE CB Code Signer v20160415", "AVAST Software s.r.o.", "Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.", "HP Inc.", etc.
  • Added the process ID for each process in the Processes scan result.
  • The Firefox Extension scan can now read information about extensions from manifest.json.

Cambios para v1.14 - v1.15

  • FreeFixer will now list all TCP Listening Ports on the machine. To reduce the noise in the scan result, most of Microsoft's TCP servers are whitelisted and does not appear in the scan result.
  • FreeFixer now supports Windows Server 2016.
  • FreeFixer now lists extensions for the "Mozilla Firefox ESR" browser.
  • Fixed bug where some Firefox add-ons in the .xpi format could not be unpacked.
  • Fixed bug where registry values of type REG_MULTI_SZ were not parsed correctly under some conditions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Memory Compression Windows process appeared in the scan result without a file path.
  • The KnownDlls scan has been disabled.

Cambios para v1.13 - v1.14

  • When scanning the LAN proxy settings FreeFixer will now figure out the path to the file containing the proxy code, if the proxy running on the local machine. If the proxy is running as a service inside svchost.exe FreeFixer will also display the service name in the scan result.
  • Improved performance in the FreeFixer scan by caching results from the process enumeration. This decreased the scan time by approximately 35%. The number of memory allocations was reduced by 50%.
  • Fixed bug in the Autorun.inf files scan which occured when there was a network mount on the local machine, pointing to a target that was currently unavailable. This resulted in none of the autorun.inf files being checked and an error was reported in the scan result.
  • Fixed bug where some Internet Explorer toolbars appeared without a path in the scan result.
  • Fixed bug where removing a search provider that was currently set as the default, resulted in Internet Explorer popping up a message saying "A program on your computer has corrupted your default search provider setting for Internet Explorer". The bug was fixed by setting Bing as the default provider.
  • Fixed bug in the Internet Explorer BHO and Internet Explorer Toolbars scan that reported MSCOREE.DLL instead of the interesting file.
  • Fixed bug where FreeFixer did not find driver files using the "SysWow64" constant in the registry. For example: ImagePath=SysWow64\drivers\AsIO.sys

Cambios para v1.12 - v1.13

  • Support for Windows 10.
  • FreeFixer now scans the LAN proxy settings.
  • Fixed bug where some drivers appeared with an incorrect path on 64-bit systems and thus listed as "File is missing" in the scan result.
  • Added additional items to FreeFixer's whitelist:
  • Microsoft Windows Hardware Abstraction Layer Publisher

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