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Historial de versiones para Defraggler

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Cambios para v2.21.993 - v2.22.995

  • - Fixed a bug that caused a scheduled defrag to fail silently
  • - Improved SSD detection for newer SSD devices
  • - Improved SSD detection for laptops
  • - Added new Privacy menu Installer
  • - /L (list) switch now highlights SSDs
  • - Added a warning when attempting to defrag SSDs
  • - Added switch for forcing defragmentation of SSDs
  • - Fixed text cutoff on the 'Defrag' button in Dutch
  • - Added a warning when attempting to defrag SSDs
  • - Fixed text bleeds in the installer for German and other languages

Cambios para v2.20.989 - v2.21.993

  • - Improved Analysis and Defrag performance.
  • - Improved memory usage and management architecture.
  • - Optimized 64-bit builds on Windows 8 and 10.
  • - Improved update checking process.
  • - Updated exception handling and reporting.
  • - Improved localization and language support.
  • - Minor GUI improvements.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.19.982 - v2.20.989

  • - Improved SSD Optimize and Quick Optimize.
  • - Improved Windows 10 support.
  • - Optimized moving Files or Folders to end of drive.
  • - Updated crash reporting architecture.
  • - Optimized remaining time and benchmark calculations.
  • - Minor GUI improvements.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.18.945 - v2.19.982

  • - Added move Files or Folders to end of drive.
  • - Improved SSD Optimize and Quick Optimize.
  • - Added new scriptable /CHECKERRORS parameter to check drive for errors.
  • - Added option to disable auto Benchmark after Defrag.
  • - Improved localization support.
  • - Minor GUI improvements.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.17.898 - v2.18.945

  • Added Disk Performance graphs to Statistics tab.
  • Added Quick Optimize for SSD.
  • Added ability to view information for different drives when an operation is in progress.
  • Improved Health tab loading speed.
  • Added new scriptable /UPDATE parameter for background updates. (Defraggler Professional only).
  • Improved detection of files without extensions in File list tab.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.16.809 - v2.17.898

  • Added New Statistics tab.
  • Added Intel, Plextor, Micron and OCZ SSD optimization.
  • Added progress information to tray tooltip.
  • Improved time remaining calculation.
  • Enhanced Freespace Defrag procedure.
  • Improved memory usage.
  • Optimized benchmarking algorithm.
  • Added Indonesian translation.
  • Minor GUI improvements and bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.15.742 - v2.16.809

  • - Added Windows 8.1 support.
  • - Added SSD optimization for Windows 8.
  • - Added Samsung and JMicron SSD TRIM optimization.
  • - Enhanced Solid State Drive detection accuracy.
  • - Added additional SMART data to Health tab.
  • - Improved search procedure for finding small files.
  • - Updated translations.
  • - Minor GUI improvements.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.15.741 - v2.15.742

  • Optimized performance of Analyze and Defrag on all OSs.
  • Improved Context Menu defrag features.
  • Added File Type and Last Modified Date columns to the File List.
  • Added progress information to Boot-time Defrag.
  • Improved handling of locked and read-only drives.
  • Improved management of unmounted drives.
  • Added additional drive information.
  • Minor GUI improvements and bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.14.706 - v2.15.741

  • Optimized performance of Analyze and Defrag on all OSs.
  • Improved Context Menu defrag features.
  • Added File Type and Last Modified Date columns to the File List.
  • Added progress information to Boot-time Defrag.
  • Improved handling of locked and read-only drives.
  • Improved management of unmounted drives.
  • Added additional drive information.
  • Minor GUI improvements and bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.14.705 - v2.14.706

  • Added Freespace Defrag to scheduler.
  • Added single-click analysis of multiple drives.
  • Added support for UDF file systems.
  • Improved searching with wildcards.
  • Improved shell extension on 64-bit systems.
  • Improved GUI navigation.
  • Fixed minor bug in the monthly scheduler.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.13.670 - v2.14.705

  • Added Freespace Defrag to scheduler.
  • Added single-click analysis of multiple drives.
  • Added support for UDF file systems.
  • Improved searching with wildcards.
  • Improved shell extension on 64-bit systems.
  • Improved GUI navigation.
  • Fixed minor bug in the monthly scheduler.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.12.628 - v2.13.670

  • Added Quick Defrag scheduling.
  • Added Fragmentation Threshold to scheduled defrag options.
  • Added option to close Defraggler after defragmentation is complete.
  • Added support for 3TB external drives.
  • Added support for drives with allocation units greater than 4KB.
  • Added support for ReFS file systems.
  • Updated translations.
  • GUI and usability improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.11.560 - v2.12.628

  • - Added Windows 2012 Server support.
  • - Added support for drives mounted as NTFS junction points.
  • - Scheduled defrags can now be prevented if specific processes are running.
  • - Improved placement of fragments larger than 100MB.
  • - Added advanced crash reporting.
  • - Updated translations.
  • - GUI and usability improvements.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.10.413 - v2.10.424

  • Defragmentation speed improved by up to 30%.
  • Optimized free space algorithms.
  • Re-architected scheduling manager.
  • Improved the fragmentation calculation during Defragmentation.
  • Fixed keyboard support for scheduler.
  • Minor UI tweaks.

Cambios para v2.09.391 - v2.10.413

  • Defragmentation speed improved by up to 30%.
  • Optimized free space algorithms.
  • Re-architected scheduling manager.
  • Improved the fragmentation calculation during Defragmentation.
  • Fixed keyboard support for scheduler.
  • Minor UI tweaks.

Cambios para v2.08.373 - v2.09.391

  • Added Defrag Time Remaining.
  • Improved formatting of Smart data.
  • Smart data can now be copied.
  • Updated support for McAfee Endpoint Encryption.
  • Performance improvement on Windows 8.
  • Improved accuracy of SSD detection.
  • Improved unicode support for export file list.
  • Fixed issued that caused the Benchmark button to disappear.
  • Benchmarking info is now included in the export file list.
  • Improved usability in Options dialog.
  • Added Latvian language.
  • Minor bug fixes and tweaks.

Cambios para v2.07.346 - v2.08.373

  • Added Disk and File benchmarking.
  • - Added Volume Shadow Service (VSS) compatible mode.
  • - Improvements to disk health tab.
  • - Added Real Value information to SMART data.
  • - Health tab now supports Fahrenheit.
  • - Improvements to SSD detection.
  • - Minor fixes to scheduler stop commands.
  • - Minor defrag algorithm improvements.
  • - Translation fixes.

Cambios para v2.06.328 - v2.07.346

  • - Added Drive Health information.
  • - Improved detection of SSD drives.
  • - Improved scheduler when the computer is idle.
  • - Fixed unnecessary creation of scheduler.his files.
  • - Improved uninstallation of shell commands.
  • - Fixed issue that could cause GDI leak in the Options dialog.
  • - Several small stability fixes for Windows 7.
  • - Macedonian language added.
  • - Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Cambios para v2.05.315 - v2.06.328

  • Added advanced options to schedule (timeout, idle time).
  • Fragmentation calculation can now be customized.
  • Improvements to file placement algorithms.
  • Defraggler can now be assigned as the default defrag tool for Windows.
  • Added enable/disable shell extension.
  • Fixed issue that could cause df.exe to abort unexpectedly.
  • Scheduler now displays the time it last ran.
  • Improvements to non-English translations.
  • Fixed incorrect tab-stop order in scheduler dialog.
  • Added support for Kurdish language.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Cambios para v2.04.297 - v2.05.315

  • Improved defrag speed of large files in 32-bit OSs.
  • Improved drive analysis speed.
  • Improved Solid State drive detection.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect position of Defraggler item in file/folder context menu.
  • Added option to enable/disable shell extension.
  • Fixed problem with df.exe sometimes aborting.
  • Fixed file type exclusion bug.
  • Added support for the Kurdish language.
  • Added last scheduled defrag information.
  • Shell extension fixed to work correctly with UAC.
  • Translation fixes.
  • Online Help link fixed.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.03.282 - v2.04.297

  • - Added Windows Explorer extension for analysis and defrag.
  • - Added option to shutdown the system after finishing a scheduled task.
  • - Added minimum drive fragmentation percent parameter "/minpercent" to df.exe.
  • - Improved 64-bit drive analysis speed.
  • - Added missing strings to translations.
  • - Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.02.253 - v2.03.282

  • Added support for Windows 7 SP1.
  • Improved file shuffling algorithm (allows Defraggler to move files out of the way).
  • Vastly improved the speed of the file list for FAT drives.
  • Faster start/stop processes for FAT drives.
  • Improved support for low RAM situations.
  • Drive map block size can now be updated dynamically.
  • Fixed bug that could cause shutdown to fail with Freespace Defrag.
  • Improved results in Search tab when 'Include non-fragmented files' is checked.
  • Better support for very long non-English strings.
  • Better keyboard support in the File List.
  • You can now navigate tabs using Ctrl-Tab.
  • Improved support for non-standard Windows colors.
  • New extensions to be moved to the end of the drive are now checked by default.
  • Better handling of delimiters in exclude list.
  • Minor tweaks and fixes.

Cambios para v2.01.239 - v2.02.253

  • Improvements to speed and accuracy of the search algorithm.
  • Redesigned NTFS processes for optimized speed and memory.
  • Improved event handling with Windows 7.
  • Improved scheduling for non-admin users.
  • Fixed issue that caused drive icons to disappear from the drive list.
  • Fixed issue that caused the Analyze button to be incorrectly drawn during long tasks.
  • Improved handling of long non-English strings in options dialog.
  • Fixed issue with fragmentation percent when drive contains sparse files.
  • Moved about dialog to a separate window.
  • Improved error logging in Windows 7.
  • Minor GUI changes and tweaks.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.00.230 - v2.01.239

  • New Scheduler - Set a defrag on login, idle or specific intervals.
  • Improved memory use on Windows 7 with lots of files.
  • Improved placement of large files on exFAT.
  • Improved caching of column sort options.
  • Fixed prompt when attempting to empty the recycle bin on Vista 64.
  • Added link to online docs (Help > Online Help).
  • Added hot-key for Quick Defrag.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v2.0 Beta - v2.00.230

  • Added offline defragmentation of system files during boot process.
  • New Drive Map with custom colors and styles.
  • New improved defragmentation engine.
  • Improved Windows 7 compatibility.
  • Lots of minor GUI improvements.

Cambios para v1.20.201 - v1.21.209

  • Added Free Space defrag to the command-line app.
  • Internal library updates.
  • 64-bit compiler optimizations.
  • Fixed the flicker on the main window tabs.
  • Changed internal links to
  • Improvements to translations.

Cambios para v1.19.192 - v1.20.201

  • Improved drive map updating.
  • Improved 64-bit memory addressing.
  • Improved Quick Defrag file algorithms.
  • Improved handling of Windows styles.
  • Fixed bug with MFT buffer zone.
  • Added prompt on exit when long tasks are running.
  • Many improvements to UI when using non-English.
  • Added Georgian translation.
  • Minor stability fixes.

Cambios para v1.18.185 - v1.19.192

  • Added queueing of multiple drives.
  • New option to disable caching of drive analysis data to improve memory usage.
  • Improved placement of files in Quick Defrag algorithm.
  • Improved Windows 7 support.
  • Lots of other small tweaks and fixes.

Cambios para v1.17.172 - v1.18.185

  • Optimized and bug fixed defrag with large numbers of small files.
  • Optimized 64-bit memory usage.
  • Drive map is no longer blocked by background operations.
  • Simplified the drive map highlighting to make it faster and more memory efficient.
  • Fixed control sizes on file search form.
  • Fixed issue with exclude files dialog.
  • Fixed a few missing translations.
  • Fixed bug displaying filenames containing ampersands.
  • Improved memory leak detection mechanism.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.16.165 - v1.17.172

  • Improved Windows 7 support.
  • Rearchitected memory management on Vista/W7.
  • Improved handling of scheduled tasks.
  • Fixed Vista redraw issue with the search box.
  • Improved button size and placement for non-English translations.
  • Added support for wildcards in the search feature.
  • Lots of other little tweaks and fixes.

Cambios para v1.15.163 - v1.16.165

  • New native 64-bit EXE.
  • Defrag engine improvements to take advantage of 64-bit code.
  • Fixed Vista and Windows 7 repaint issue when language was changed.
  • Improved moving routine for small orphaned files.
  • Added support for Danish, Slovak, Chinese (Simplified) and Vietnamese languages.
  • Lots of small tweaks and improvements.

Cambios para v1.14.159 - v1.15.163

  • Redesigned disk space usage pie chart.
  • Windows 7 support added.
  • Added Portable U3 installer support.
  • Improved numerical and text validation.
  • Fixed bug in automatic update checking.
  • Many GUI fixes and improvements.

Cambios para v1.13.155 - v1.14.159

  • Added 'Empty recycle bin option' before defrag.
  • Improved placement of files around MFT.
  • Fixed incorrect defrag button behavior (defrag checked and highlighted while using tabstop).
  • Fixed crash occurring after pressing defrag button.
  • Fixed tab order on cleanup drive dialog.
  • Added Run Defraggler option after installation.
  • Added Estonian support.

Cambios para v1.12.152 - v1.13.155

  • Added quick defrag to command line version.
  • Added option to view folder index entries in file list.
  • Fixed bug related to excessive GDI objects.
  • Fixed tab issue in search tab.
  • Improved speed of moving very large files to the end of the drive.
  • Several minor bugs fixed.

Cambios para v1.11.148 - v1.12.152

  • Added Quick Defrag feature.
  • Added exFAT compatibility.
  • Architecture changes to improve defrag performance.
  • Improved placement of most commonly used files.
  • Various UI tweaks.

Cambios para v1.10.143 - v1.11.148

  • Added custom drive map colors (Options > General > Interface).
  • Fixed schedules for multiple drives.
  • Fragmented info is now displayed in df.exe.
  • 'Large files' can now be excluded from freespace defrag (Options > Defrag > Advanced).
  • Improvements to the way crash data is collected.
  • Various minor UI tweaks.
  • Several minor bugs fixed.

Cambios para v1.09.138 - v1.10.143

  • Added file exclusion feature.
  • Added detection of Solid State Drives.
  • Added "Include non-fragmented files" checkbox to file search.
  • Improved interactivity of search.
  • Fixed problem that could allow df.exe and Defraggler.exe to run at the same time.
  • Fixed rare crash while reanalyzing.
  • Minor GUI text changes.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.08.132 - v1.09.138

  • New search feature.
  • Various tweaks to the drive list.
  • Improvements to freespace calculation when moving large files.
  • Improved handling of of sparse files.
  • Lots of minor UI tweaks.

Cambios para v1.07.124 - v1.08.132

  • Improved handling of NTFS compressed files when moving to end of disk
  • Added /shutdown option to df.exe
  • Added /large file option to df.exe
  • Drive list now includes a % fragmented column
  • Blank file types no longer allowed in Large file options
  • Warning when trying to set a schedule in the past
  • Right click 'Check this' option is now greyed correctly
  • Various small UI tweaks

Cambios para v1.06.118 - v1.07.124

  • Added Shutdown after Defrag option.
  • Improved Interactive Drive Map response in Vista.
  • Language DLLs now stored in /lang folder.
  • Program startup speed improved.
  • Architecture changes to improve defrag performance.
  • Minor tweaks to main UI.
  • Several minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.05.111 - v1.06.118

  • Added interactive drive map.
  • Improved scheduler handling of multiple drives.
  • Fixed rare crash in Vista when defragging Folder entries.
  • Optimized file placement for Win2k3.
  • Improved placement of large files at end of drive.
  • Added Dutch, Ukranian and Norwegian translations.
  • Various UI tweaks.
  • Several minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.04.098 - v1.05.111

  • Added 'Move files to end of drive' feature.
  • Added 'Save settings to ini file' option.
  • Added French, Croatian, Chinese Traditional, Catalan, Bulgarian and Turkish translations.
  • Fixed rare crash under Vista that could happen when using menus.
  • Improvements to debug logging routines.
  • Various small UI tweaks.

Cambios para v1.03.094 - v1.04.098

  • Multi-language release (16 new languages!).
  • Improved handling of daily schedules.
  • Fixed bug that could file defrag to be very slow.
  • Improved logging of analysis methods.
  • Loads of performance improvements.
  • Loads of bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.03.093 - v1.03.094

  • Fixed drive list bug.

Cambios para v1.02.085 - v1.03.093

  • Added support for multiple languages.
  • New options dialog.
  • Added scheduler.
  • Fixed display of labels for removable drives.
  • Added support for tabbing between sections.
  • Loads of performance improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.02.078 RC2 - v1.02.085

  • Improved progress indicator accuracy.
  • Added checks for freespace.
  • Various GUI and usability improvements.
  • Fixed UI issues with large DPI settings.
  • Fixed 64-bit compatibility issue that would ignore some files.
  • Improved drive map (defragged files are now always marked as blue).
  • Added background update checking.
  • Fixed minor bug in progress indicator for chkdsk.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.02.077 RC1 - v1.02.078 RC2

  • Removed dialog prompts for actions.
  • Improved GUI button placement.
  • Fixed minor algorithm bugs.
  • Minor UI tweaks.

Cambios para v1.01.073 Beta - v1.02.077 RC1

  • New tabbed UI.
  • Improved 64bit support.
  • Fixed bug that could cause small files to be placed in MFT buffer zone.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.01.068 Beta - v1.01.073 Beta

  • Completely new Defrag algorithm, which is faster and better designed.
  • Defrag freespace now a separate option.
  • Updated UI.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.01.064 Beta - v1.01.068 Beta

  • Progress now displays current file.
  • Window position, size and column widths now saved.
  • Algorithm improvements.
  • Speed improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cambios para v1.01.058 Beta - v1.01.064 Beta

  • Added df.exe command line version
  • Added option to change process priority
  • Fixed issue with files in the MFT buffer zone
  • Fixed bug that left files in the list after they were defragged
  • Minor bug fixes

Cambios para v1.01.050 Beta - v1.01.058 Beta

  • Added Verify drive feature
  • Improved progress updating with large files
  • Improved handling of Win2k system files
  • Improved defragmentation algorithm
  • Various stability fixes
  • UI tweaks
  • Minor bug fixes

Cambios para v1.01.044 Beta - v1.01.050 Beta

  • Added faster stopping for large file defragmentation
  • Added support for pausing and resuming
  • Fixed bug that caused $MFT to be displayed in list view
  • System drive is selected by default
  • Various UI tweaks
  • Minor bug fixes

Cambios para v1.00.031 Beta - v1.01.044 Beta

  • Removed system driver, now much faster and more stable
  • Added support for multiple drive maps
  • Added 64-bit OS support
  • Added support for removable USB drives
  • Loads of minor UI changes and funky tweaks

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