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Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA

Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit is a useful rootkit detection and removal tool from MalwareBytes. Use at own risk while in BETA.

The tool will check your computer for nasty rootkits and can aid in their removal.

  1. Download Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit from the link to the right.
  2. Unzip the contents to a folder in a convenient location.
  3. Open the folder where the contents were unzipped and run mbar.exe
  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard to update and allow the program to scan your computer for threats.
  5. Click on the Cleanup button to remove any threats and reboot if prompted to do so.
  6. Wait while the system shuts down and the cleanup process is performed.
  7. Perform another scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit to verify that no threats remain. If they do, then click Cleanup once more and repeat the process.
  8. If no additional threats were found, verify that your system is now running normally, making sure that the following items are functional:
    • Internet access
    • Windows Update
    • Windows Firewall
  9. If there are additional problems with your system, such as any of those listed above or other system issues, then run the 'fixdamage' tool included with Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit and reboot.
  10. Verify that your system is now functioning normally.
  11. If you experience any problems in running the tool or it hasn't fully resolved all of the issues you had, please contact Malwarebytes support.

Capturas de pantalla:

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA
Tipo de licencia 1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 15/09/2015
Descargas 512
Tamaño 12.86 MB (< 2min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles English
Sistemas operativos Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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