RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.091
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Key Features
- Multiple undo and redo
- Search and replace
- Compare registries
- Cut, copy and paste
- Drag and drop
- Registry Snapshot
- Backup and restore
- Defragment.
Portable Version – no installation required
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503.62 kB
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Idiomas disponibles
Sistemas operativos
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.
17/08/2020RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.126(Más reciente estable versión)
29/07/2020RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.122
05/05/2020RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.118
23/03/2020RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.113
02/10/2019RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.111
18/09/2019RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.110
04/08/2019RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.106
28/01/2019RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.102
12/01/2019RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.100
08/12/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.093
01/12/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.091
15/11/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.090
29/10/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.088
29/10/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.087
29/08/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.086
25/08/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.085
22/08/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.083
23/06/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.082
27/05/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.080
18/05/2018RegCool (32-bit portable) v1.071
(Sin calificación de usuarios)