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Ainvo Registry Defrag v4.2.7.2105

Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Ainvo Registry Defrag is a tool that claims to defragment the Windows registry.

While there can be a performance gain from defragmenting registry hive files themselves (which must be done before Windows boots up properly), there is really no evidence that other registry clean-up tools really lead to much of a performance increase in Windows, if any.

Still, the tool is free to use if you want to try it.
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Ainvo Registry Defrag v4.2.7.2105Tamaño: 3.28 MB

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Ainvo Registry Defrag v4.2.7.2105
Tipo de licencia Freeware1
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Fecha que se añadió. 08/04/2013
Descargas 1
Tamaño 3.28 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles English  
Sistemas operativos Vista / Win7 / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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