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XdN Tweaker (Portable) v0.9.2.5

Vista / Win7 / WinXP
XdN Tweaker is a free tweaking program for Windows.

Features include:
  • Changes the number of Folder views Windows saves.
  • Resets the folder views Windows has saved.
  • Add/Remove classic Windows 2000 user control panel icon.
  • Disable/Enable ATI Catalyst Control Center right click on Desktop (only for use if you have an ATI video card and have the Catalyst Control Center installed).
  • Disable/Enable ‘SendTo’ right-click menu.
  • Allows you to adjust and tweak TCP/IP settings.
  • Disable/Enable ZipFolders.
  • Disable/Enable the Outlook Express/Windows Mail splash screen.
  • Put the File menu above the Back/Forward buttons in IE7.
  • Remove or Replace the Search box in IE7.
  • Disable/Enable User Account Control prompts under Vista.
  • Disable/Enable the "- Shortcut" text under Vista.
  • Attempt to force Vista to better save folder views.
  • Disable/Enable Windows Media Player Explorer context menus.
  • Add/Remove "Take Ownership" to right-click menus under Vista.
  • Disable/Enable the Documents item on the Classic Start Menu.
  • Changes "Delete" to "Search" on Recycle Bin.
  • Turn off the annoying full screen "black" UAC prompt.
  • Add/Remove the Network Connections icon to Control Panel
  • Enable Classic Search in Explorer and Internet Explorer.
  • Disable/Enable Shutdown Reason dialog under Server 2003.
  • Disable/Enable Windows scanning AVI files for thumbnails.
  • Remove/Restore hidden ASPNET user that prevents auto login.
  • Add "Tweak UI" icon to Control Panel (if installed).

Capturas de pantalla:

XdN Tweaker (Portable) v0.9.2.6 XdN Tweaker (Portable) v0.9.2.6

Otras ediciones:

Tipo de licencia 1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 03/01/2013
Descargas 390
Tamaño 287.27 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Sistemas operativos Vista / Win7 / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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