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TuneUp Utilities 2010 v6.0.1255

Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
TuneUp Utilities lets you make your system faster, more comfortable and more secure. The complete package combines all important functions for system optimization, configuration, cleanup, and maintenance in a modern graphical user interface.

You can: Delete junk files, clean your registry, view and edit your start up programs, adjust visual settings for best performance/appearance, view system information, free up memory, recover deleted files, manage running processes, edit and search the registry securely, uninstall programs, download boot screens/Logon screens/Skins from the Tuneup Styler internet database. Why bother downloading 4-7 different tools when 1 does it all.
Tipo de licencia 1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 21/04/2010
Descargas 18,844
Tamaño 8.69 MB (1min @ 1Mbps)
Sistemas operativos Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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