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XMind 8 (Portable) v3.7.8

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
XMind (Portbale) is a mind mapping and brainstorming software, developed by XMind Ltd. In addition to the management elements, the software can be used to capture ideas, clarify thinking, manage complex information, and promote team collaboration. As of April 2013, XMind was selected as the most popular mind mapping software on Lifehacker.[1]

It supports mind maps, fishbone diagrams, tree diagrams, organization charts, spreadsheets, etc. Normally, it is used for knowledge management, meeting minutes, task management, and GTD. Meanwhile, XMind can read FreeMind and MindManager files, and save to Evernote.
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XMind 8 (Portable) v3.7.8Tamaño: 179.27 MB

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XMind 8 (Portable) v3.7.8 XMind 8 (Portable) v3.7.8 XMind 8 (Portable) v3.7.8
Tipo de licencia Freeware1
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Fecha que se añadió. 08/12/2019
Descargas 329
Tamaño 179.27 MB (< 24min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles English  
Sistemas operativos Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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