Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0.3
Open source
Chandler is a Personal Information Manager (PIM). It handles your Email, Calendar, Contacts and all sorts of information. Share and backup your information over the net through Chandler Hub. Chandler also supports other aplications, like Apple iCal, Sunbird, Lightning and Evolution (Outlook/Exchange not supported at the moment)
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Open source1
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15.65 MB
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Sistemas operativos
1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0.3(Más reciente estable versión) 16/04/2009
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0.2 10/10/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0.1 12/09/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0 10/08/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0 RC 2 06/08/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v1.0 RC 1 24/07/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v0.7.7 23/06/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v0.7.6 19/05/2008
Chandler for Linux (Ubuntu) v0.7.5.1 30/04/2008
(Sin calificación de usuarios)