PasteCopy.NET v1.3
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
PasteCopy.NET is a free portable Windows Clipboard Manager with multilingual support. It's fully automated and has a (auto-) resizable preview pane. PasteCopy.NET enlarges the capacity of Windows Clipboard and lets you organize csv (Comma separated values), html, rtf (Rich Text Format), text, unicode- text & images into customizable categories. The supported fomats can be previewed and copied to Windows Clipboard with a mouse-click, or by keyboard navigation. PasteCopy.NET is a portable freeware tool, only 587KB, and can run from a USB memory stick.
Key Features
Key Features
- Portable freeware tool, only (587KB)
- Multilingual support (de, en, es, it, nb-NO, pl, pt, sv, zh-cn)
- Auto- Copy & Paste Windows Clipboard
- Convert rtf to txt (-automatically)
- Convert html to rtf or txt (-automatically)
- (Auto-) resizable/hide preview
- Mouse-hover/keystroke preview
- Export and print function
Otras ediciones:
Código HTML para enlazar esta página:
Tipo de licencia
Página del autor
Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió.
794 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles
Sistemas operativos
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinXP1
1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.
PasteCopy.NET v1.3(Más reciente estable versión) 12/07/2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.2 beta 12/06/2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.1 12/06/2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0.2 beta 21/04/2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0.1 beta 16/04/2014
PasteCopy.NET v1.0 02/06/2013
PasteCopy.NET v1.0 beta 20/05/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.15 20/05/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.13 02/02/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.12.1 beta 27/01/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.12 beta 24/01/2013
PasteCopy.NET v 0.9.11 beta 13/01/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.10 beta 03/01/2013
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9.4 02/12/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9.1 beta 23/11/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.9 beta 22/11/2012
PasteCopy.NET v. beta 12/11/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.21 beta 11/11/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.20 09/11/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.19 Beta 05/09/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.18 Beta 27/08/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.17 Beta 18/08/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.16 Beta 09/08/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.15 Beta 06/08/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.14 Beta 20/07/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.13 Beta 01/06/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.12 Beta 21/05/2012
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.10 21/09/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.9 11/09/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.8 Beta 04/09/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.7 Beta 12/07/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.8.6 Beta 20/06/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.7.4 11/04/2011
PasteCopy.NET v0.9.6.2 30/01/2010
(Sin calificación de usuarios)