Google Maps With GPS Tracker v43.0
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinNT / WinXP
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinNT / WinXP
Google Maps With GPS Tracker shows your physical position in real-time on a moving Google Map. A small application on your pc uploads your GPS position periodically over either GPRS or 3G, which updates your position on a moving Google Map.
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Sistemas operativos
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinNT / WinXP1
1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v43.0(Más reciente estable versión) 15/06/2014
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v42.0 25/05/2014
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v41.0 21/11/2013
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v40.0 15/07/2013
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v39.0 06/05/2013
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v38.0 22/01/2013
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v36.0 09/11/2012
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v35.0 28/09/2012
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v34.0 05/07/2012
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v33.0 20/05/2012
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v32.0 12/02/2012
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v31.0 01/12/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v30.0 30/09/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v29.0 07/09/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v28.0 02/07/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v27.0 22/06/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v26.0 20/05/2011
Google Maps With GPS Tracker v25.0 28/02/2011
(Sin calificación de usuarios)