Screenshot Captor v4.9.3
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
- Optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention.
- Smart autonaming of files, and ability to embed textual comments in files.
- Good multi-monitor support.
- Highly configurable to make it work the way you want it to; stays out of your way in the system tray.
- Lots of capture modes: Multimon (multiple monitors), Desktop, Active Window, Region, Windows Object. Each mode has a hotkey for quick access.
- Unique Cool Effects, including automatic active window enhancement.
- Unsurpassed support for 3rd party user configurable tools, including file browsers and image editors; extend the program to do whatever you need by interfacing it with other programs.
- Slimline sidebar file browser provides full shell operations.
- Optional automatic image file versioning.
- Seamless integration with Unicode Image Maker tool.
- Automatically finds boundaries of non-rectangular/themed windows.
- Autoscroll capture for windows too big for screen.
- Deluxe thumbnail maker.
- Quick PostCapture PopUp Dialog.
- Quick Screenshot Emailer Menu.
- Full set of scanner acquisition tools and scanner image correction.
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8.43 MB
(1min @ 1Mbps)
Idiomas disponibles
Sistemas operativos
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.
04/10/2019Screenshot Captor v4.31.2(Más reciente estable versión)
09/05/2017Screenshot Captor v4.21.1
29/05/2015Screenshot Captor v4.12.0
28/04/2015Screenshot Captor v4.10.0
01/01/2015Screenshot Captor v4.9.3
20/05/2014Screenshot Captor v4.8.5
22/04/2014Screenshot Captor v4.8.2
03/12/2013Screenshot Captor v4.8
28/11/2013Screenshot Captor v4.7
24/07/2012Screenshot Captor v3.08.01
08/06/2012Screenshot Captor v3.06.01
31/05/2012Screenshot Captor v3.05.01
14/04/2012Screenshot Captor v3.04.01
31/07/2009Screenshot Captor v2.70.01
(Sin calificación de usuarios)