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PhotoOnWeb v0.8.9.5

Vista / Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinXP
PhotoOnWeb is a software to create your online photo albums. Easy for sharing your pictures on internet with your friends and family.

Sort your photos in multiple albums, pick a template and click on the Publish button. PhotoOnWeb will resize the photos, build the web site and publish a photo web album. You can host the pictures yourself with your own ISP web space by FTP or create an account on VSO's server. No computer programming knowledge is required, HTML editing can be used for custom albums.

The navigation in the online gallery is easy. You can browse through the pictures with the keyboard or mouse using your current web browser. Using Flash technology, you can use the full screen of your display to enjoy the details of the pictures: elegant and professional look and feel.

Capturas de pantalla:

PhotoOnWeb v0.9.3.2
Tipo de licencia 1
Página del autor Visita la página del autor
Fecha que se añadió. 17/04/2014
Descargas 991
Tamaño 7.42 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Sistemas operativos Vista / Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinXP1

1La informacion sobre la licencia y el sistema operativo se basa en la ultima version del programa.

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